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[Video+Review] Draco NAK9: Best 9mm AK Pistol?

Draco NAK-9 Shooting
We head to the range with the Romanian Draco NAK9 imported by Century Arms. If you love PCCs and AKs, you want to check this review out!
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    We can all collectively agree that PCCs and AKs are cool.

    But what happens when you slap the two together?

    Draco NAK-9
    Century Arms Draco NAK9

    You get a rad little AK-style 9mm platform that is sure to please on the range.

    And today, we’re taking a look at one such gun by way of the Draco NAK9. Imported by Century Arms, this sort of AK hails from Romania.

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    And before you ask…yes, it takes Glock magazines. Glad we got that out of the way…

    Draco NAK-9 Glock Mags
    Glock mags galore

    We’ll run you through the Draco, talk about its specs, features, pros/cons, and then we’ll let ‘er rip at the range.

    Before we dive in…if you want to skip the words and see this gun in action, click on the video below to watch the full video review.

    As always, be sure to check out Pew Pew Tactical on YouTube for more guns and gear.

    Table of Contents


    Give Me Those Specs & Features

    The Draco comes in a few variations, but for this review, we took a look at the NAK9.

    Draco NAK-9
    The best part of waking up is 9mm AKs.

    It’s an AK-style 9mm pistol. Spoiler alert…it’s a lot of fun.

    Made in Romania and imported by Century Arms, the Draco NAK9 features a 12-inch chrome-lined barrel.

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    The barrel is also threaded, so you can add fun things like a suppressor to kick that range time up a notch.

    at BattleHawk Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Its receiver is stamped. And it opts for sling mounts upfront and in the rear.

    Draco NAK-9 Sling Mount

    I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find any specs on the trunnion…and I know you AK guys are all about that.

    So, maybe one of you in the know can share the details in the comments below.

    Draco NAK-9

    The Draco comes nestled in a cardboard box alongside one Korean knockoff Glock mag.

    MSRP right now sits at $699 with a street price right at $690ish.

    Draco NAK-9

    Ergonomics & Aesthetics

    In Romania, we don’t need no stinking ergonomics!

    The grip is a rectangle, and the foregrip, well, it’s classic Eastern Bloc.

    Draco NAK-9 grip

    Cool thing with that handguard is it is changeable, compatible with any AKM handguard.

    The trigger is lackluster at best. It’s exactly what you would expect on a Draco, so nothing to get excited about at the end of the day.

    Draco NAK-9 Trigger

    As far as aesthetics, I like it. The Draco logo is cool.

    Century Arms didn’t go overboard with their import marks as they sometimes do.

    Draco NAK-9 Logo

    The wood grips also feel old school and look fantastic.

    With the threaded barrel, you can add a suppressor, and you could, of course, SBR it or add a red dot. Lots of room for activities!

    Draco NAK-9
    Sure is pretty!

    Overall, the gun looks great.

    To the Range!

    I got all the Glock-style mags I could find for this shoot.

    Draco NAK-9
    Loading up.

    Because of its configuration, it feels a little funky on how to hold it.

    Some guys will use a sling to get stability. But I just tried all sorts of grips and holds.

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    As far as sights, the front sight is a post and in the back is exactly what you would expect to find on an AK-style gun.

    Draco NAK-9 Front Sight Post
    Front sight

    There’s also a rail all the way down the top, so you can add a red dot down the road.

    Draco NAK-9 Rail
    Peep that rail.

    I wasn’t going for precision in this review as much as I was fun. And boy, is this fun.

    I fired this one from the hip and had a blast!

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    It’s worth mentioning that you can add a pistol brace to the NAK9. I think it would be a huge upgrade in grip, stance, and accuracy.

    (We have a ton of suggestions in our Best AR & AK Pistol Braces article!)

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    But for this review, I stuck with what came in the box.

    I like taking something different to the range. In an era of endless ARs and Glock 19 clones, it’s fun to mix it up.

    And the NAK9 certainly looks and feels different.

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting


    As with any gun, there’s going to be a downside or two.

    For the Draco, I think the plastic rail is a definite bummer. I’m not a big fan of plastic rails.

    Draco NAK-9

    But you can always swap that out to something a bit more durable.

    And, again, I think a brace would have taken this gun to the next level. That said, you can add that too.

    Draco NAK-9 Shooting

    While shooting the Draco was fun; I did encounter a problem with the Korean mag it came with.

    The gun would not feed with that particular magazine.

    Draco NAK-9 Russian Steel Ammo
    Glock mags did fine.

    However, it’s a mag issue, not a gun issue.

    The Draco ran great with Glock brand mags – fed, fired, and ejected perfectly.

    Long story short, stock up on those Glock brand mags.

    at Gun Mag Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    By the Numbers

    Reliability: 5/5

    Sample size of one, but this Draco ran great as long as I used Glock mags

    Ergonomics: 2/5

    Add a sling or a stabilizing brace and this number would double.

    Accuracy: ??/5

    I shot from the hip and have no idea how accurate that 12-inch barrel is. Yeah, this isn’t a typical review, but the Draco isn’t the typical pistol.

    Customization: 3/5

    While there are not a lot of options on the market for trigger or grip, you can certainly dial this one in with that rail, the brace, and the threaded barrel.

    Value: 5/5

    Find me more fun for under $700.

    at BattleHawk Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Overall: 4/5

    It’s an odd one, but boy do we like it.


    Overall, I had a great time with the Draco NAK9 from Century Arms.

    While I think the addition of a suppressor, brace, and red dot would really bring this to perfection, it was a fun throwback as is.

    Draco NAK-9

    It’s fun to shoot…so long as you ditch that Korean mag and stick with Glock branded ones.

    You can definitely get your comm bloc giggles in a 9mm platform with the Draco NAK9.

    at BattleHawk Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Again, make sure to watch my full video review below to see this gun at the range.

    What do you think of the Draco NAK9? Let us know in the comments below. Ready to explore more AKs? Check out our Best AKs Complete Guide and our round-up of AK variants.

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    7 Leave a Reply

    • Greg Hodge

      I know I'm late to the comments here but I love this gun! Not out of the box so much, but I added a folding Blade brace, a good pistol grip, TDI fore grip, Rugged Obsidian 9 suppressor, and a Holosun green dot that I can still use my irons under (not a fan of dot sights yet but it's the flavor of the day). Biggest thing was I spent months designing a bolt on ambi mag release (I'm a welder and metal worker), and it works awesome! Added a bungee sling and now I LOVE THIS GUN!

      September 27, 2021 7:24 pm
    • Colin Bruce

      How does it compare to the cmmg Banshee or the Springfield armory saint SBR?

      September 21, 2021 4:48 pm
    • DAN

      I like the sound of it but not even one 5 round group for accuracy.
      Come on man !

      September 17, 2021 10:04 am
    • Carlene Robison

      Botach has factory glock mags on sale now and do fairly often. Best prices I've found.

      September 16, 2021 9:37 pm
    • Regular Guy

      Yup, going to jump in on the old, I just don't get it bandwagon. How is it better than any decent 9mm pistol that takes 30 round Glock mags? If it was 200 to 300, and I could have one for each hand ...maybe.

      September 16, 2021 6:14 pm
    • Rob B

      It sounds like a bit of a POS...

      September 16, 2021 5:26 pm
    • Gospelofjon

      Ugliest gun I have seen in a while.

      September 16, 2021 3:51 pm
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