When I was 17 in 2007, I was that kid buying gun magazines every chance I got. I read Soldier of Fortune, Guns & Ammo, all the quarterlies, and more.
I distinctly remembered seeing one pistol in particular grace the covers that year…the Sig Sauer P250.

The Sig P250 promised to be the new wonder gun. Much was said about the polymer frame.
Although Sig had made polymer guns before, the industry kind of forgot, I guess. Everyone mentioned how Sig was the famed metal gun company, and they were breaking from tradition with the P250…
Inside the Sig Sauer P250
The P250 featured a polymer frame and a price tag substantially lower than the Sig P226 and similar metal-framed pistols.

This weapon used a proprietary magazine and came in all the popular calibers like 9mm, .45 ACP, .40 S&W, and even the not-so-popular calibers like .357 Sig.
Sig later released a .22 LR version and a .380 ACP option. The .380 ACP, oddly enough, came in compact and subcompact variants that offered you a full 12 or 15 rounds of .380 ACP.

The company made its name with the DA/SA trigger design, but the P250 strayed from the typical. This would be a hammer-fired DAO pistol. DAO typically means a long and heavy trigger pull, but you’d only be half right with the P250.
Its trigger pull was fairly long but light, roughly 5.5 pounds. You could stack the trigger easily, and it was one of the best DAO triggers to shoot. Shooters could be plenty accurate and fast with enough practice.
Finally, the P250 featured an incredibly innovative system. The serialized portion, considered the legal firearm, is a removable chassis known as the FCU.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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These have become quite common these days, but this was super new at the time. The idea was that shooters could swap grip modules, slides, and even calibers without needing to buy a separate firearm or use an FFL.
Sig even released packages, one known as the 2SUM, which combined a single FCU with full-sized and subcompact frames and slides.
What Happened to the Sig P250?
Well, it turns out that the P250 and its DAO trigger weren’t a popular option for most shooters.
By 2007 the market was fully in the realm of Glock and the light, striker-fired trigger. The DAO was a turn-off.

The modular system was really cool, but exchange kits were expensive. You might as well just buy another P250. Plus, there wasn’t an aftermarket for grip modules like there is now.
Sig also changed the grip modules, which, in turn, changed the magazine. Suddenly, buyers had to ensure they had the right magazine design for their specific model.

Oh, and then it began to fail…
The first and only police agency to use the gun was the Federal Air Marshals, who adopted it in .357 Sig to replace the P229.
There seems to be some scandal with an Air Marshal buying P250s at a discounted price and reselling them to other Air Marshals. However, the investigation and its results have never been made public.
The real issues came when the Dutch Police looked to adopt the weapon.

Ultimately, the Dutch police were unsatisfied with the pistol and its performance, stating, “On the basis of the results of these tests, I no longer find it responsible to continue with this pistol. There is no longer enough confidence in the quality of the pistol, nor in the capacity of the manufacturer to improve the quality or safeguard it. All this brings a risk to the safety of police officers on the street.”
The P250 slowly faded and was discontinued piece by piece, with the .22 LR version being the final link to fall in 2017.
Revival of the P250
The P250 died, but the concept did not.
Sig evolved and, dare I say, perfected the modular handgun idea with the P320. The P320 can trace its roots right back to the P250, and as we know, the P320 has been quite successful.

I owned but later sold a P250 and went for a more traditional DA/SA gun. These days, I own a P320 and really enjoy the modular features of the gun…it’s what the P250 always wanted to be.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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Do any of you have experience with the P250? Let us know in the comments below! Interested in more What Happened pieces? Check out the previous week’s article on the SW99!
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I have 3 P250's, Full Size 9mm with TLR-4 laser/light and Tombstone Tactical level 3 holster. It is my camping and home protection gun.....never had a single issue.
Compact 357sig/.40 caliber w/green crimson trace laser, it is my car/home protection gun. Never had an issue running 357 sig barrel but have had issues cycling rounds through the .40 caliber barrel. Probably worn out since it was a retired police service pistol.
Subcompact 9mm with large size grip module (w/ rail) for conceal carry. The large grip makes it much easier to fire along with the pinky extension on my 12 round magazine. Fired too many rounds through each of these guns without an issue bar the .40 caliber barrel. I grew up shooting revolvers and hadn't shot a semiauto until I lucked into a HK P7M13 in my 20's but later sold it but wished I hadn't since it was so safe to carry with a round in the chamber. I searched and later found the P250 to be extremely safe to carry chambered, so I bought one, then another, then another because I liked them so much. I I I was already use to a DAO trigger, they were cheap to buy on Gunbroker before the pandemic, and I am impressed with the guns overall.
P250 for me is the safest (non safety) pistol you can own , With the DAO trigger your not gunna accidently discharge this gun if you do you need to find a new weapon , Its well balanced , heavy as a brick , but after you get used to it (like any gun) its very effective . Just my opinion. there would be no P320 if it wasn't for the flop of the P250.
II’ve had several P250’s, my current being a .40 compact with a subcompact exchange kit. Looking for a 357 Sig barrel at the moment. I have never had trouble with a P250. I have avoided the first gen guns because they did have some issues. I think they are like a really high capacity revolver.
I actually own 2 sig p250's and have always liked them both. One is a subcompact 45 and the other is a 40 subcompact that I have a full sized conversion kit for. I still use the subcompacts as my daily carry. I carry the 40 more, just because of the increased cary opacity. I still like the sig DAO trigger. It is heavy and long, but really smooth, and has a clean break. It's basicly a semi-auto with a good revolver trigger. The one thing I did eventually modify, is I changed out the curved trigger for a flat trigger - which I prefer. The flat trigger also has an adjustment screw that allows you get rid of the small amount of take up before the trigger actually starts pulling the hammer back.
I have tried other carry guns, like the spring armory compact 10mm for example (which I like), but for everyday carry i keep coming back to the p250.
I have one that I purchased in 9mm. I later purchased the adaptor kit for 45ACP, at the time it wasn't near the cost of a second firearm. My wife likes it because it is full size, I'm more accustomed to the G19, so it seems big. I'm not a fan of the trigger, I've always said you could start the trigger pull and eat a sandwich before it fires. :)
I received a P250 as a deployment pistol after OEF 11-12. My only gripe was that it had come chambered in a .40 which I don't care for.
That being said, the trigger pull is smooth, it's long as hell but for a DAO it's pretty damn nice. It's marked as "Special Configuration" which I assume has to do with the engravings on the slide.
I am not sure what a plain factory model comes with internally.
For example, my P250 has a Tungsten guiderod and a braided spring.
I have almost all calibers except .357 sig and .380 I have the 2 sun set as well I love it well I mean it isn’t my favorite sig I own in fact it is my least favorite but I have a dozen or more but the p250 was the first of my signess it is what got me hooked I bought the p250 in 45 and a Glock 22 and still preferred the sig
I have a P250 it shoot real well, I have no problems with it, it's like a revoiver which I !ike but with 16 rounds,
i have as a EDC weapon used the P250 for years, never had a regret or a problem with it. I am looking to get the P320 soon. Hope it does as well as the P250.
I’m looking for a rear sight #6 for clearing a suppressor. Is there one around or know someone that could help me out? Thanks Garry Link
for a P250, I think the only manufacturer of rear sights is Sig, so you might be out of luck. The may the sight also is used to capture the firing pin is unique, but also makes it very unlikely any company other than Sig will make it.
Thanks for the reply, i found a company that sells the large and medium rear sight for the p250, they only had the medium and the large is back ordered so im hoping the large will be high enough, the company is CDNN. Appreciate you replying back to me!
I purchased a p250SC with the nickel slide back in 2011 and I love it. I had some stipple work done on the grip module and love the feel. I did however purchase a p320 in 45cal call them “Thelma & Louise”. I haven’t had any issues from either and love the smooth trigger pull on both and haven’t had any issues.
I bought a Sig P250 Compact in .40 S&W for a bargain back in 2012. It came with three mags that held 15 rounds each. I worked in law enforcement at the time and bought it as a backup for my Glock 22. After 13 yrs of ownership I have to say I still love mine. Some really hate the DAO trigger but I like it and don't find it that long of a pull. I've wanted to get a 9mm caliber xchange kit but they're hard to find.
I was looking for a .45 for bedside duty that wasn't going to break the bank and found a lightly used P250 at a local gun shop. Pistol, 3 mags, light, holster, and 100 rounds for under $500. I carry a Kahr 9mm as my EDC so the DAO trigger is fine by me.
Have two P250s. One in 9mm the other in 40S&W.. Reworked the 9mm and its in a FDE Wilson Combat compact grip frame and slide has been Cerakote'd in Sig FDE. Changed front sight to a XS Big Dot w/ red ring and repainted the rear dots with Testors Gloss white enamel. I run a Streamlight TLR-7 A Flex that came in a non-matching FDE.. I changed all the magazine basepads to OEM Sig FDE so gun looks sharp.
The 40S&W was just purchased and after running a 100 rounds thru it I broke it down completely and ordered same XS Big Dot and spring kit like the 9mm. Ordered another Wilson Combat compact frame but in black this time. On sale right now on Wilson Combat's website as of 04/04/2023. Got another Streamlight TLR-7 A Flex already and the base plates from first P250 will be used on the 6 old style base plate mags I already have for it..
People generally hate the DAO trigger but some spring changes and smoothing of contact surfaces and its a whole lot better than DA triggers on any SA/DA pistol I've got. I've carried the 9mm P250 before doing the facelift and boob job but not since. Its a range queen and coffee table gun now..
Daily P250 carrier here, I refused to carry the 320 that I sold because the trigger was so sensitive I felt that it would be unsafe if it were to be jostled while working (this was before they replaced the trigger to fix the 'not drop-safe' issue, so I feel justified in saying that.) That being said, I could put the entire mag from a 320 inside of the palm of my hand at 20 yards so that trigger would have been perfect for a competition, just not for carry.
I own a P250
I'm a lefty . It sold itself.
Still own it.
I am a glutton for punishment I used a mid sized P250 for IDPA matches shot thousands of rounds through it (9mm) never once did it stop. Carry same gun on a daily IWB. I love it and would never think of selling it.
Well, I was already out of the Air Marshals before they tried the P250. Talking with my co-workers, stacking multiple rounds into targets as we did (short split times) with the P229 just didn't add up with the long DAO trigger pull of the 250.
I'd gone back to teach at the Border Patrol Academy after my time with FAMS when I purchased a P250. Got one of the cool fancy stainless swirled slides for my wife. She is a 6' girl from Norwegian stock with full size hands and really liked the original compact grip modules. I ended up purchasing several more and the caliber swap kits. It was cool to have such a exchangeable firearm. All before the 320 was born. We stayed with the 9, 357, &40. Getting separate FCU's back in the day to go with your exchange kits was quite a feat. But eventually pretty much filled the group out so I had one for every slide combo Sub, Compact, and Full. Loved when the x-series grips came out for the P320 and swapped them out. I never really liked the standard grip modules as my hands were smaller than my wife's. P229 was just the right size. And yes I love the AXG grip. Wife got one of the AXG Scorpion custom works ordered the month they came out with a local top tier dealer. They sold it to her for MSRP. Boy was I glad about that. I have not tried to put one on a P250 yet. I waited for the P320 to get fully out before purchasing one but still bought one that had to go thru the upgrade process. It was one of the last months of manufacture before the change. Now of course have as many 320's as I did 250's.
So a real positive for the p250, if your teaching someone with it as their first gun, is the double action trigger smoothness. And the same trigger press every time, works great for a one gun owner who doesn't have a lot of time to train after becoming proficient. I've been an instructor since 1998, this was an easy gun to teach. I stole my P250 - 357 & 40 barrels from the sub and compact models to go with "on sale new P320-357/40" slides from sig a couple years ago. Had optic cuts put in them this year. Still have to get a couple more barrels to back fill my 250's. Unfortunately I waited to late to get a 40cal to get a threaded barrel as they are now out of style. Due to the rear sights on the P250's, I don't know how you could add red dots. But I still love the guns and they are 'bullet proof' and have them set up for bug out bags. With the way the world is going I hope they don't get pressed into service anytime soon.
I purchased my P250 compact back in 2011. It is a gen 2 .40 S&W, and also has the .357 sig barrel. I would say 2000+ rounds maybe over the last ten years, and never an issue.
I absolutely love to fire this gun, and it is the primary home defense weapon in my home.
It did take a little time to get used to the trigger. Couple hundred rounds or so, with no formal instruction. But once I did get used to it. I must say it is one of the most accurate and easy to use pistols I have ever fired. Even my wife, who actually hates guns, handles the pistol with spot on accuracy. While I enjoy the sport, she only goes to the range to stay sharp for defense purposes. Just this morning was her first trip to the range in over two years. Covid shutdowns and all. About 30 rounds in, she was as accurate as always with it.
Funny, I remember back when I bought it. Seems everyone was all about the Glock. So It does not surprise me that it won. I have known for some time that the P250 was no longer being made. and today I got to thinking that maybe I should put mine away. Long term collection piece, don't wear it out and all. That is how I found my way to this article. But the reality is for me that it is too much of a pleasure to shoot to lock it away and forget about it. I'm old enough, I'll let the next generation worry about that.
"The first and only police agency to use the gun was the Federal Air Marshals..."
There were non-federal civilian police departments using it.
Maybe you meant ... "The first and only federal police agency to use the gun was the Federal Air Marshals..." and that would be true.
"The first and only police agency to use the gun was the Federal Air Marshals..."
I own an Ohio State Highway Patrol marked P250 featuring their winged wheel logo on the slide.
I have a Gen 1 compact nickel slide version in 9mm. Changed the magazine floor plates and slide stop to accommodate Gen 2 magazines.
Never an issue.
Would carry it for work if allowed by policy if SIG would continue to support it.
Carried my P250 (45 ACP) for years as a deputy sheriff; thousands of rounds never once had a problem. I liked the long smooth trigger pull for LE work.
Own two P250 compact 45acp (9 rounds), is my everyday CCW, never had any problems.
I've had my P250SC for years as an EDC and have really like it, hundreds of rounds on the range, never an issue. Maybe I'm just not as refined as some.