Welcome to a weekly series here on Pew Pew Tactical dedicated to the gun news you need to know.

So, keep reading for this week’s notable news headlines…
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Congressional Bill Targets FFLs, Multiple Gun Purchases
A new bill aimed at Federal Firearms Licensees hit the Congressional floor this week in the hopes of overhauling current FFL processes.

Sponsored by Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL), the Federal Firearm Licensee Act – also known as H.R. 6225 — would update portions of federal law pertaining to FFLs tightening perceived “loopholes.”
Highlights include:
- Require transactions involving two or more rifles, shotguns, or pistols purchased over five consecutive days.
- Prohibit licensees from receiving firearms or transferring firearms in their business inventory to anyone other than another licensee or law enforcement agencies if they have been indicted for certain crimes.
- Enact regular inspections for “high risk” FFLs and inspections every five years for all FFLs.
- Dealer applicants and employees “trusted with the possession” of firearms to undergo background checks to receive or renew an FFL.
- Increasing record retention and electronic data management and sharing for background checks

“I’m introducing the Federal Firearms Licensee Act to hold rogue dealers accountable and ensure that we are able to adequately respond to the gun trafficking that is contributing to the deadly gun violence epidemic,” Kelly said in a news release.
“This legislation proposes commonsense security and gun sale tracing policies to ensure that FFLs are not contributing to the flow of guns into our communities.”

It’s worth noting that firearms currently sold at retailers must be accompanied by a background check before transfer.
Nevertheless, anti-gun groups like Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety applauded the move.
“Rep. Kelly’s bill would give the ATF the tools it needs to take irresponsible gun dealers to task for putting profit ahead of public safety,” John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said.

Mark Oliva National Shooting Sports Foundation told Guns.com that this bill looks to “weaponize the ATF.”
“This is an attempt to weaponize the ATF against a lawful and Constitutionally-protected industry,” Oliva said.
The Federal Firearms Licensee Act was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Michigan Lawmakers Looks to Cap Mags to 10 Rounds
Lawmakers in Michigan introduced new legislation to cap magazines to only 10 rounds to curb “future gun violence and tragedies.”
Sponsored by Sen. Rosemary Bayer (D–Beverly Hills) and Rep. Brenda Carter (D-Pontiac), it would prevent the selling or possession of any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammo.

If enacted, the ban would take effect January 1, 2023.
Those who already had mags over 10 rounds before the Jan. 2023 date would be able to keep them, but they must report them to their local law enforcement agency.

This legislation comes after a 15-year-old student shot and killed four students in late November at Oxford High School in Oxford Township, Michigan.
“We are not taking away anyone’s guns,” Sen. Bayer explained. “We are simply asking responsible gun owners to please speak up, call your legislators, and tell them that you support responsible gun ownership.”

Violation of the bill would result in a misdemeanor – punishable by no more than 90 days in jail and/or a max fine of $500.
A second violation would be classified as a felony and could result in no more than two years in prison and/or a max fine of $5,000.
The bill was referred to the Committee on Military, Veterans and Homeland Security.
Ohio Bill Would Let Amish Buy Guns Without Photo ID
Rep. Bob Gibbs introduced a new bill into the Ohio legislature that would allow Amish people to purchase firearms without a photo ID.
Announced earlier this week, the Protecting Religious Exemptions for Amish Communities and Households (PREACH) Act would allow Amish and others whose religious beliefs prohibit photo identification to purchase firearms with a state-certified form of ID.

Technology is shunned under the Amish doctrine, and photographs violate the Biblical Second Commandment, which prohibits making oneself a “graven image.”
Gibbs said that the lack of photo ID should not preclude the Amish from exercising their Second Amendment rights.
“The lack of photo identification for those in the Amish community ultimately serves as a roadblock to their ability to exercise their constitutional rights,” Gibbs explained in a news release.

“This situation creates a unique problem in which those practicing the Amish faith find it difficult to legally purchase a firearm without a photo ID, even though they have sufficiently proven their identity to the state.”
He continued, “The PREACH Act will fill this regulatory gap that inadvertently stifles those for whom a photo ID is against their religious beliefs and allows them to enjoy their constitutionally protected rights.”

Under the PREACH Act, an individual seeking this religious exemption would need a letter from a registered bishop of an Amish or Mennonite church indicating that the person applying is a devout member of the church and religion.
The letter must then be submitted to the Attorney General, who would verify the letter and then issue the religious exemption.
Pennsylvania Governor Vetoes Permitless Carry
A permitless carry bill that wound its way through Pennsylvania legislature reached the desk of Governor Tom Wolf, where it ultimately met its end.
Wolf vetoed Senate Bill 565, which would have allowed residents of the state to conceal carry without a permit.

The governor said his decision to veto was in the interest of public safety for Pennsylvania residents.
“This legislation removes the requirement that an individual obtain a license, and with it, the ability of law enforcement to conduct a background investigation,” Wolf said.
“Removal of the licensing background investigation will hinder the ability of law enforcement to prevent individuals who should not be able to carry a firearm concealed from doing so.”

He added that the veto is not intended to challenge lawful gun owners but instead reduce gun violence within the state.
“This veto is not a move to restrict rights of lawful gun owners, as they can still conceal carry when they apply for a permit and successfully pass a background check.”
Senator Cris Dush (R-25), one of the bill’s primary sponsors, was adamant that the veto does not keep Pennsylvanians safe and instead puts them at further risk of becoming the victims of violence.

“No criminal has ever said, ‘I want to go commit assault and murder – but I have to wait for my license to carry to come in.’ But every day, honest Pennsylvanians who want to carry a gun simply to come home safe at night are forced to wait for their permit so they can carry legally,” Dush said in a statement.

“Gov. Wolf’s veto is saying to the people of Pennsylvania, ‘In spite of the Bill of Rights you don’t have the right’ and has ensured the disparity in public safety will be enforced by his administration and will continue for Pennsylvanians,” Dush said.
Wolf currently owns the title of the most vetoes in 40 years, with this latest serving as his 52nd. He has 13 months left in his second term.
What do you think of the headlines above? Let us know in the comments. Also, catch up on other Weekly Wraps or news in our News Category.
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What makes you think the amish don't have guns?
Jackie, thank you for the wrap-up, even though there was not a lot of good news. Let's start writing letters and sending emails to let these elected officials know just what we need from them...our Constitutional rights!
we need mandtory term limits for all people in elected offices.. only two terms allowed forever..no more schumers, nadlers, mcconnells or bidens..these people think they are always the smartest people in any room..the atf should be dismantled and roled into border patrol and dea..or just FIRED..
We need a way to hold lawmakers criminally liable for even attempting blatantly unconstitutional legislation like magazine capacity limits. Enough is enough. They deserve jail time for continuing to pull this crap.
As always, a commendably well written and unbiased report on gun news. That being said I can't help but wonder why any Amish individual would need an ID to buy a gun. Wouldn't their beliefs prevent them from buying anything except black powder firearms, which are already unregulated?
Amish evaluate technology as it comes and see if it fits into their world view. For instance, my amish friends down the road do all my small engine repairs. Additionally, almost all amish have telephones, if not in the house at least in the barn. So on and so forth, they aren't anti-technology, they are anti things that go against their belief structure. The whole anabaptist (Amish and Mennonite) thing is interesting, and almost all of us who live on the east coast/Appalachia with European ancestors will have someone in their gene pool that fled persecution.