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H&K MP5 .22 LR Review: Ultimate Trainer or Range Toy?

The HK MP5 .22 LR is an authentic nod to the one and only MP5 submachine gun...but is it worth the cash? We find out in this range review.
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    Over the last few years, we’ve seen a trend of .22 trainers gracing the market.

    Recently, Heckler and Koch entered the fray with their rimfire version of what is arguably one of their most iconic weapons — the MP5.

    All dressed up and ready to go

    The vaunted .22 LR is still one of the most affordable rounds out there, but does porting one of the most famous sub-guns into this caliber make it a great trainer or just a range toy?

    That’s a question we intend to answer today. So keep reading as we dive into the specs, features, pros, and cons of this gun and get it out to the range.

    Table of Contents


    Pros & Cons


    • MP5 controls
    • Compact
    • Inexpensive ammo


    • Limited applications

    The Bottom Line

    H&K has created something very cool with their .22 LR versions of the MP5. Although it has limited applications, the pistol we tested ran well for a rimfire blaster and was a lot of fun to shoot. Those clamoring for that H&K experience will not find a cheaper route.

    Specs & Features


    • Caliber: .22 LR
    • Capacity: 25+1
    • Action: Blowback
    • Length: 18.2”
    • Barrel Length: 8.5”
    • Height: 11”
    • Width: 2.3”
    • Weight: 5.9 lbs.


    • Ambidextrous fire controls
    • Last round hold open
    • Adjustable rear sight

    Source: H&K USA

    Available Coupons


    The MP5 has been around for a long time. It’s been made famous by both real-world incidents like the British SAS storming the Iranian embassy with them in 1980, as well as the movie, Die Hard from 1988.

    Christmas movie or no? (Photo: Die Hard courtesy of 20th Century Fox)

    Additionally, SWAT teams in the U.S. started to utilize them as a more compact entry weapon in the 1990s, further securing the gun’s status.

    For more on this, check out Heckler & Koch MP5: A Pop Culture SMG Icon.

    Most recently, H&K licensed the .22 LR version to Umarex, who made both a pistol and rifle version. The rifle version includes a faux suppressor and collapsible stock, while the pistol version has the triangular fore-end and sling attachment at the rear of the receiver.

    Who Is It For?

    There are admittedly limited applications for a semi-auto version of a submachine gun chambered in .22 long rifle.

    H&K aficionados may thrill at the ability to own a relatively accurate yet affordable copy of the MP5.


    Much of the controls and functions of the gun are similar to the original MP5. There could be an argument for the rimfire version being a trainer option that runs on much cheaper ammunition.

    Otherwise, traditional roles for this caliber, besides plinking, are somewhat abandoned with this platform.

    Fit & Feel

    The MP5 in .22 manages to feel very similar to the original in its ergonomics and functionality.

    The grip, magazine, fore-end, fire selector, and, of course, charging handle all speak to the experience of running an H&K.

    The gun weighs about the same, too, coming in around 6 pounds. Umarex did a great job, as the overall experience is very authentic.

    Straight up fun

    To those not versed with the MP5, it’s a submachinegun, something bigger than a pistol yet smaller than a rifle. It was designed for maximizing effective firepower in tight confines.

    We removed the plastic capped sling attachment at the end of the receiver and added a Custom Smith Manufacturing end-cap in order to install an SB Tactical brace. They have other attachment points for the Tailhook.

    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    This punched up the usability of the pistol without sacrificing concealability.

    The standard ergos of the MP5 are interesting. The receiver is like many modern rifles but with a chunky fire selector being very easy to reach and operate on both sides of the gun.

    Its magazine release in the receiver is anemic at best and a small target to reach — though there is another lever with this function in front of the trigger guard. Smaller hands will also struggle to reach the magazine release from the grip.

    Running and slapping the charging handle has become an iconic move in itself, but it clearly wasn’t designed for left-handed shooters.

    How Does It Shoot?

    Granted, .22 LR can be a bit of a crap shoot. Despite this, and using a couple of different types of ammo, I was able to manage an average of 1-inch groups, shooting three rounds from 7 yards.

    Popular .22LR Ammo
    Popular .22 LR Ammo

    The trigger has a few millimeters of travel before hitting a well-defined wall. There, it breaks very sharply at an average of 4 pounds on a Lyman digital scale.

    Trigger reset is most of the distance travel back and is very soft, barely audible or tactile. This isn’t a problem because the gun is fun to shoot, and you tend to blow through a magazine quickly.

    Mags don’t drop freely

    The magazines loaded pretty easily thanks to a pull-down spring assist located on both sides. They also seated easily but required pulling to remove.

    What Sets it Apart?

    This gun stands somewhat unique in that it is a sub-gun chambered in .22 LR, and this alone is a somewhat limited category.

    In addition, this is the cheapest version of the MP5 you are going to find — bar none considering the namesake is often thousands of dollars.

    By The Numbers

    Reliability: 4/5

    Over several hundred rounds of ammunition fired, I only experienced one double feed. After clearing this, it didn’t happen again. We ran Remington Thunderbolt .40 grain as well as Remington subs in .40 grain and had very reliable service despite a few failures of the ammo itself.

    Ergonomics: 3/5

    It has the familiar MP5 aesthetic, but some of the controls just don’t feel great — especially if you have smaller hands (or are a lefty).

    Accuracy: 4/5

    Using the brace and running a Primary Arms SLx MD25, I was able to average 1-inch groups from 7 yards, and this is a solid performance for a .22 caliber pistol. Although I did not use the irons, the rear sight rotates through different apertures allowing the shooter to optimize for different distances.

    Customization: 5/5

    The aftermarket out there is not only well supported for the standard MP5, but you may find Airsoft version accessories may offer some options to customize to your heart’s desire. The MP5 .22 also comes with a threaded muzzle with a 1/2×28 thread pitch so you can suppress those rowdy rimfire cartridges and stay hearing-safe.

    Value: 2/5

    The MP5 in .22 LR is thankfully not terribly expensive — prices range from around $400 to $500. If your intent is to collect or use it as a trainer, you need no justification. Otherwise, the purchase might be more difficult to justify as the gun’s design is fairly specific and doesn’t lend itself overly well to other traditional .22 applications like small game hunting.

    Overall: 3.5/5

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    Upgrades for MP5 22

    Surefire makes a weapon light fore-end for the MP5, and there are some trigger upgrades for those who like to tinker or customize.

    Changing out the fore-end has the potential to open up a lot of options if you use a Magpul MP5 handguard.

    at Magpul

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Final Verdict

    I’m often torn between the cool factor of guns and their real-world usefulness. This isn’t a home defender, it’s not for hunting, and its caliber restricts self-defense uses.

    However, if you’re able to accept those limitations, what you’ll find is an authentic H&K MP5 that is accurate, reliable, customizable to your purposes…and a whole lot of fun to shoot!

    Who’s picking up an MP5 in .22? Let us know in the comments below. And if you want to scratch that MP5 itch but rimfire won’t get it done, check out our article 5 Best MP5 Clones!

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    13 Leave a Reply

    • Russell Kim Lockhart

      I’ve always been an HK fan but focused on Ruger for my collection, I recently purchased the HK MP5 22LR rifle over the Ruger M1 replica. The HK MP 5 is extremely well built and is identical to its 9mm big bother. After receiving the the HK rifle, I wanted the pistol to complete the set. It’s not just the cool factor, it is a relatively inexpensive way to have versions of the most dominant and iconic weapon since the 1911. The rifle is flawless with sig sighting system and threaded barrel is fun to shoot in 22 LR. I would recommend this Firearm to anyone because it’s guaranteed to please and resell for full recovery cost unless you abuse it. The weight is similar to that of the 9 mm version which makes it feel quite realistic and stable.

      December 20, 2024 1:07 pm
    • S

      My main application -- besides target practice -- would be self-defense in the event of civil unrest.

      I know that no small arms can stand up to the military, and that even light body armor can stop a light round like this. I know that it doesn't have much stopping power, and can cause serious wounds only with a lucky shot.

      But there's a certain amount of defense value in merely giving an adversary a feeling of, "Yikes, that guy is shooting back!", or, "Ouch! That really hurts!" Even if I'm shooting at an enemy, I don't want to kill him. I just want to scare him long enough that I can escape to somewhere safe. It obviously isn't going to scare anyone with military training, but I'm only worried about people who have never been shot at.

      Is this thing enough for that?

      July 31, 2024 2:04 pm
    • Robert

      Was wondering what rail you used for the MP5

      February 23, 2024 11:20 am
    • Douglas Darby

      Is it true there are airsoft MP5 stocks that will fit HK MP5 .22 ? Either an A2 or A3 type would be way cool as sorry as HK wont offer either as Walther did when they marketed this gun Years back

      August 26, 2023 10:27 am
    • Slim

      I think you could load this thing up with Federal punch ammo and, have a solid home defender. 22 plinkster does a video on 22 punch and the results are surprisingly very favorable for self defense!

      July 1, 2023 7:03 pm
    • Agrippakc

      I have the SP5 and developed a manual of arms for being left handed. i push the charging handle over with the thumb of my right hand.

      December 4, 2022 10:13 pm
    • Rudy

      Fun, Fun, Fun. 3 weeks old and have been to the range 6 times. Every brand of .22 ammo I own, Federal, CCI Mini-Mags, Stinger, Standard velocity, even "Quiet", Remington and Aquila. Over 2K rounds with no issues. Actually bought the mags (4) before I bought the gun, they are hard to come by. When your are notified (email) there "in-stock" they are gone in 20 minutes. Bought a "claw" for mounting red dot (Sig-MSR). Very accurate using iron or red dot. Bought the pistol. Hoping someone creates an inexpensive collapsible stock

      October 2, 2022 12:46 pm
    • epicfail48

      Ive had one of the rifle variants for about 6 months now, its probably the most entertaining gun i own. Stupid fun to just magdump, specially since you dont need to take out a second mortgage for a days worth of ammo. Only downside is spare mags are nearly impossible to find, and you only get 1 with the gun, so its about 5 seconds of fun followed by a few minutes of loading a 22 magazine

      September 7, 2022 9:34 pm
      • Rudy

        CDNN had some a week ago. Sign up for email notification but you have to be quick. Seems they sell out in a matter of an hour or less

        October 2, 2022 12:50 pm
    • Sua Sponte

      Had the GSG MP5SD for years, really liked it and it worked well, until it didn't. Super picky on ammo, tiny amount of build up caused cycling issues, extraction issues, and was a HUGE pain to disassemble for cleaning and then the bolt handle broke off. Looks to be made of pot metal. Thought about replacing it, but, then I thought about all the other issues I've had with it. This looks much better built and worthy.

      September 2, 2022 10:05 am
    • John

      I had a chance to fire one of these, it was really fun. I've ordered one. I have some other .22 LR firearms and I love the fun of shooting .22 LR, but this MP5 .22 LR was just a whole lot of fun.

      This is more of a 'fun gun' but not exactly a range toy only, its useful for hunting shorter range small game like a lot of .22LR firearms. But its primary strengths are its relation to the MP5 coolness factor and in its MP5'esque ergonomics and functionality and that its just plain fun to shoot.

      September 2, 2022 4:00 am
      • Sean Curtis

        John, I had a hard time wrapping my head around it being applicable to hunting but I suppose with the right optic it could. It wouldn't be on par with a 10/22 but it could serve. I totally agree with the premise of it being a .22 trainer and there is no doubt, it's a lot of fun to shoot.

        September 2, 2022 8:13 am
        • John

          Sean, at first I was the same way on the hunting aspect. I could not see it as a hunting gun. The one I fired, the guy said he also used it for rabbits and squirrels with ease with his mounted red dot. I tried it with some steel rabbit targets at 40 yards (the range he said he got most of his rabbits and squirrels) and it wasn't difficult at all. So yeah a red dot would be more suitable probably.

          September 2, 2022 8:48 am
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