Category AR-15
How to Shoot a Rifle: AR-15 & Bolt Action
Learn how to shoot the most common semi-automatic rifle, the AR-15, as well as a bolt action rifle. (Read)
Best Home Defense Gun 2024 [Shotguns, Pistols, & Rifles]
Shotguns, pistols, and rifles. What's the best home defense gun for you? We go over the pros and cons of each complete with favorite models and ammo picks. (Read)
Difference between Flash Suppressors, Compensators, & Muzzle Brakes
Learn the differences between muzzle devices, as well as some recommendations on the best models for your gun and end-use situation. (Read)
What are 80% Lower Receivers?
Learn what exactly is this 80% receiver you keep hearing about, it's legal implications, and some examples you can purchase. (Read)
What is an AR-15 Dissipator & What Is It Used For?
Learn what exactly is an AR-15 dissipator, its pros/cons, whether the design is still useful in this day and age, and recommended models. (Read)