Sacramento, CA — California lawmakers have signed into effect Bill SB420.69 which defines the new term “super assault pistol.” One manufacturer has already created CA-compliant pistol fin grips to loophole around certain features.
This was an April Fools article originally published on 4/1/2021.

The new bill outlines super assault pistols as having any of the following characteristics:
- A grip that allows for a grasp in which the left/right terminal potions of the upper limbs of a human or nonhuman primate can touch
- A magazine release which can be easily activated by a thumb

Because all modern handguns meet at least one of these criteria, a grip fin is now required for all handguns.
However, law enforcement is exempt.
One entrepreneurial firearms accessory company, Tactical SEAL Sheepdog Warfare Inc, has already released a CA-compliant pistol fin grip that separates the hands.

This setup removes the possibility of a comfortable pistol grip which increases safety, noted the new bill’s proponents.
Other benefits of the Tactical SEAL Sheepdog Warfare’s Freeedom-Boi Grip (patent and trademark pending) include:
- Increased magazine release speed using your dominant hand’s middle finger
- Accurizing finger-flutter between each shot
- Future-proof with embedded and programmable RFID/5G chip
The Freeedom-Boi Grip retails for $129.99 and is compatible with full-size and compact super assault pistols. The Freeedom-Boi Grip Mini retails for $109.99 and is compatible with sub-compact pistols.
Customers can also choose from a handful of playful images to mix-and-match onto their Freeedom-Boi Grip for an additional $49.

Disclaimer: This is a satire/parody post, which may or may not use actual names in quasi-real and/or fictitious narration. So try not to get too butt-hurt about it.

For more April Fool’s content, check out 6 Best Handguns to Buy Your Man, [Review] Halo MA40: Best Bullpup Rifle of 2021, and Ultimate Grey Man Disguise: Denim Snake [Video]
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Not funny. Don't give them ideas.
(Actually, it is funny!)
I had to read it twice. This is definitely something you could expect from Commiefornia.
As a California gun owner, the rollercoaster of emotions from clicking on this article reading it, seeing the images of the infamous fins on pistols, watching the video, and then reading the disclaimer....... all I can I say is.... well done sir
California lawmakers are such idiots I think they will see this as a good idea. Fortunately, they are decriminalizing everything so there wouldn't be any major repercussions.
This was great! Being CA it was absolutely believable, so much to me that I didn't notice the SB420.69.
Doggone it, you had me going for a second. It wouldn't be that big of a surprise from California. Touché!
That's a hilarious article, Eric. That being said, I hope that California lawmakers don't see this.
Dang! You had me going there. I was about to call my daughter in Sacramento and tell her to “run away”. Good one!
Shouldn't you still do that though?
Knowing Califonia, I truly thought this was real! Damn, don't give those idiot, law makers, any worse ideas! Those poor people have it bad enough...
On one hand, I figured it was humor. On the other, it is California so anything is possible...
Im just here for the comments
Dang I was flipping out, good One
You got me.
Will wait a while ... then check my blood pressure again ....
April Fool!!!
You cant properly control the recoil of the pistol being fired...some clown dreamed this up and paying politicians $$$ to pass this ridiculous bullshit...after the fin gets sued a couple times. Can see that coming to a screeching hault...
You took the April Fools Day bait Rick! Don’t feel too bad though; I think everyone who read this fell for at least the headline.
House Bill "420.69"... *snerk* Took me longer than it probably should have to catch on. Well played.
...Though in a year or two, this might seem a lot less funny when some bright star of a state representative actually suggests something like this...
Dang! That won't work for me. The palm of my gunhand has been amputated. Now I'm all fingers. #;o(
Cali resident here...I thought this was real.
Given the ignorance and the lunacy of Dumocrats in charge, you can be forgiven for thinking that this was another of their asinine regulations. I'm in Texas, and I was falling for this joke until I noticed the April Fools disclaimer at the end.
Given the current political climate, it would be preferable if you focused your attention on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Let's leave April Fool's efforts to the juveniles.
Please lighten up. Thanks
Why? There's enough politics to go around. It's nice to have some fun from time to time. You need to lighten up.
I’m with Mr. Wynn & Mr. Twitizen. I laughed my ass off and appreciate the effort Eric Hung put into this one. Thank you Pew Pew, for the levity present in all of your content.
It’s sad that my first reaction wasn’t, “oh that can’t be real.”
Do Not Comply California! Fight back!
I’m a sucker... I feel for it.
I got as far as the picture of the gun sandwiched between two hands before I reminded myself it was April 1st. Saying it’s in California makes anything believable.
Being a CA resident and used to utterly ludicrous gun laws, I actually thought this was real. I mean seriously, this state will do anything. Especially if it’s not reality based.
The sad part is that the whole damn thing is believable given the current environment. I truly would not be surprised if Cali actually passed such legislation.
Got me...Just sayin...
Where's the thumb hole?
You got me too, I was way down the only in CA rabbit hole before it dawned on me Reno wasn’t ranting
Yep, You got me. Alas it is totally believeable for Californication.
I don't know what's sadder. The fact that I fell for it until about halfway through, or that this was actually that believable for California.
You guys rock! You got me. Didn’t read the whole thing at first and forwarded it to a couple buddies. Pew Pew tactical is the best!
Got me!!!! I was ready to loose my mind!!!
You got me! Nice.
Thanks for this! You got me.
Love the restrictions "grasp by humans or primates"
Well done.
Having fled that nut house a few years ago, this didn't surprise me at all.
Good One
What's sad that in this day and age it is possible these idiots in government would do something like this.
So I forwarded that article to 5 people, even though it says "April fools" in the link it got everyone of them, my sister in law is still arguing that it's FOR REAL !
True statement right there.
ditto, i almost forwarded it also as i was reaching for the very pinnacle of hair on fire head explosive "you gotta see this guys!!!" , but then i saw the bottom of the article and forgot that we still have a sense of humor on april 1. wow, sure felt good to laugh about anti gun nuts for a minute ( until they see this and write legislation).
You nailed me! I was about to lose my mind with yet another daily dose of insane stupid crap that the lefty's do. Please don't give these whack-jobs any more "good" ideas and if you are a nutter from Cali please don't move here (CO). You guys have already done a lifetimes worth of destruction. We already have plenty of you thanks for wrecking my home of 55 yrs.
OK...Ya got me. My blood was actually boiling until I scrolled to the very end. LOL
To funny, just hope these left side nut jobs don't move on this. I would not put it past them to try something like this.
Assholes! Hahahahahaha! I was fit to be tied! Well played. Let’s hope none of the gun grabber politicians see this and get any ideas. LOL.
I like the grip fin, especially making the middle finger more active, for saluting the CA legislators & Governor because of their brilliant ideas .
You just about gave me a heart attack. Such a thing is entirely possible in CA and seriously, dont we have enough on our plate to worry and create anxiety about? Have a heart and dont do crap like this.
I would not put it past California… You guys got me good!
You're clairvoyant, or just gave the people's republic of California a new rabbit hole to run down.
If it were me I'd just tell everyone I was clairvoyant, saw it coming all along.
Hahahaha. This was good.
No it wasn't. Scared the crap out of me since I live in CA. I know, why don't I move? Because this is my state. I was born here, raised here, now am old here, love the weather and the land here. I don't like the idea of being forced to run, so I won't. Some "progressives" are moving because it's even getting too much for them. Do yourselves a favor and make them know how unwelcome they are. I come from a very left wing background. There is no such thing as a "moderate progressive." They will bring their sickness with them and it will spread wherever they go.
Don’t give them any ideas!
You Got Me Happy April Fools Day
❤ Your Cat
Is that a shark in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? I already ordered my Freeedom-Boi Grips! Damn you Eric!
Got Me!!
Agree that this was VERY well done, particularly because it's sadly so plausible in this state. Agree with others that maybe this post should be removed (by tomorrow?) to prevent some lawmaker here finding actual merit in it. Not kidding...
Not cool man! We are very unfortunate living here in Commifornia.
I KNEW it was April Fools Say and you STILL got me!! Thanks for the "scare" It was a good one.(imagine yelling and expletives, etc.) It just goes to prove how much effort you put into all of your content, great video. That's why PPT is the best!
Won’t be long before CA bans all guns altogether
Haha!!!, you got me. I was already telling my wife "I'm not putting that tish on my gun". Good one.
Stop playing because in ca it's all possible.
Got me too! As a CA resident, it would be right in line with some of the things our group of Sacramento morons would come up with. Best one of the day by far! Keep up the good work.
That’s not nice. That’s not nice at all!
My keyboard started to melt, nearly burned my fingers; brain kicked in before I hit the post button... ROFLMAO! WELL DONE, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the winner here!
Should have been clued in by the SB420.69 and even my mind screaming “what the actual hell am I looking at?!?” Was overridden by the fact that this was purportedly happening in California where all levels of stupidity are possible.
Nice job, Got me hook, line and sinker. Just a thought, be careful do not give them any ideas!!!
Don't give Feinstein any ideas.
Biden Admin would define this as "common sense" gun control policy.
HHHAAAA! You got me. I was packing my bags! It wouldn’t be that shocking for California.
I was getting all crazy till I remembered what day it was!! Gotcha!
You got me! I’m live in CA and it wouldn’t be too far fetched for one of our “representatives” to come up with something like this.
Ok, that kinda of crap is too believable in CA. Yes, I was upset for a moment until I read the entire post. Please don't give any of these gun hating "aholes" any ideas that they just might try to pass on to legal CA gun owners. Thanks Eric:)
This actually got me. I hadn't yet come across any April Fool's jokes (or at least I think I haven't - now I'm questioning everything), and I forgot it was April 1st. I was genuinely freaking out for a minute because I live in California and would not at all put this past our legislators. I was honestly thinking that I had to move out of the state before I read the last lines. I hate you all. haha
D'OH! Ya had me for about 30 seconds...if you would have said Idaho or Texas I would have caught it right away, but Kalifornia? - anything's possible there...
I knew it was a prank article before I completed reading the email header It's both funny and sad that people actually believed this. We really have gone off the deep end when something so outlandish sounds like "more of the same" from the People's Republic of California.
Hahaha, you got me, but only because California is already so crazy that this story is actually believable.
Don't give "them" ANY ideas!!!!!
Exactly what I was thinking!!!
Only April fools email to almost get me today because let’s face it, CA IS that stupid
Holy Crap, Eric!... then I remembered the date. :)
Just because it's April Fools Day, doesn't mean you guys get to make up news and send it out to gullible followers.
I smell a snowflake! Ha!
I didn't read all the way at first and have been really pissed off for the last 20 minutes! LOL
I couldn't find SB 420.69 on Google. Good one!
Holy Hell man !! I'm at work and read this during my 15 min break. I got up thrown my chair against the wall and said "F*** California LIBERALS!" right in front of the Director of Surgery Dept. Thats how mad I got reading this because it would be something California would do! SMDH. You got me! Happy April Fool's Dammit.
Crap! ha,ha, you got me! I friggin forgot it was April 1.
Imagine running into these guys at the range lol.
"It's ok, we're filming an April Fools video, we swear"
I'm not happy with you right now :/ hahaha
April fools
Godda#& it, I completely believed this lol. Down to the use of every loophole accessory adding 'freedom' and shamelessly marketing itself as a 'loophole' and being manufactured by a company with some tiny association to navy SEALS. Excellent post!
Haha, you're welcome and good eye!
Yes. Very well written
There's something wrong with you guys.
Ouststanding satire Mr. Hung! I will be expecting next level stuff from you point forward!
Outstanding satire but not nice to give those lefties any ideas!!