The sound alone of racking your shotgun’s slide should send intruders running, but what if it doesn’t…
What if you actually had to shoot it? You’d want something that stops the bad guys.
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on selecting the best shotgun ammunition for your needs, whether you’re defending your home or enjoying a day at the range.
We’ve simplified the complex world of 12ga and 20ga shotgun shells, so you’re equipped with the knowledge to make an informed choice.

*February 2024 Update* Supplies went up in price due to the Israeli war in October 2023 and calmed down but we’re seeing increased demand and shortages from California now allowing online ammo sales.
Editor’s 12ga 00 Buck Pick
Most In-Stock 12ga 00 Buck
Best Range 12ga 00 Buck
Hardest Hitting 12ga 00 Buck
Mil-Spec 00 Buck
12ga #4 Buckshot Pick
20ga Defensive Pick
Shotgun Ammo in Stock
Table of Contents
How We Chose the Best Shotgun Ammo
The Pew Pew Team has shot their fair share of shotguns.
From 3-gun competitions to sporting clays and even carrying one on duty…

We break down shotgun ammo into the three main categories of buckshot, birdshot, and slugs…with a little background info on each.
Complete with ballistics gel tests and our own overpenetration test results.

Within each category, we choose the individual loads based on availability, reliability, specs, & personal experiences.
Understanding shotgun ammunition can be daunting for new owners. So let’s break it down. For a more detailed look, head to the bottom of this article for an in-depth explanation.
- 12ga Shotgun Shells: Ideal for home defense due to their stopping power.
- Birdshot: Best for target shooting, with smaller pellets perfect for clays.
- Buckshot: A home defense favorite; larger pellets mean more impact.
- Slugs: Single-projectile ammo for big-game hunting and long-range accuracy.
Best Shotgun Buckshot Ammo
“Oh, just get a 12ga shotgun with 00 buck.”
These time-tested nine .38 caliber balls of lead really do their job.

But let’s take a look at the ballistics gel data I got from TTAG (who got it from a now-defunct page.)

This shows what is an average of 20-inch penetration. Given the lack of clothing in front of the gel, we can guesstimate that it likely will fall towards the upper end of the 12 to 18-inch penetration sweet spot.
Editor’s 12ga 00 Buck Pick – Fiocchi
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Fiocchi is a well-known brand, and I’ve shot plenty of their 9mm, .223, birdshot, and buckshot.

Their velocity is rated at 1250 fps, so it doesn’t kick as badly as other 00-buck options with faster speeds. My shoulder thanks them for this.
Another big plus is that they usually stay in stock even during tough times.
What’s your take on Fiocchi 00 Buck? Rate it below!
Most In-Stock 12ga 00 Buck – Black Aces Tactical
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These faster velocity rounds definitely hit harder when you’re shooting.
This is also great for a “break-in” round for cheaper semi-auto shotguns that have been hitting the market
And I’ve been finding them the most in-stock option nowadays.
Best Range 12ga 00 Buck – Winchester Super-X
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For range shooting or protection on a budget, I like the Winchester Super-X line.
Its 1,325 ft/s velocity gives it enough to cycle any modern semi-auto shotgun.
And all the Super-X rounds I’ve shot have gone boom when needed.
Hardest Hitting 12ga 00 Buck – Hornady Critical Defense
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Another tried-and-true brand is Hornady’s Critical Defense, which ups the muzzle velocity to 1,600 ft/s for extra oomph and cycling in semi-autos.
Mil-Spec 00 Buck – Winchester Buckshot
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These mil-spec rounds look great with their OD green hulls and high-base black anodized head.

I’ve shot a lot of these with 100% reliability, and I swear it’s higher velocity than the stated 1325 ft/s.
Another great option for 00 rounds.
12ga #4 Buckshot Pick – Federal Hydra-Shok
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If you read around, you’ll likely see some people suggest 12 gauge #4 buckshot if you’re afraid of thin walls and adjacent family/neighbors.
Think 27 pellets of a smaller diameter…

It looks pretty good with what looks like 14.5-inches penetration…what we would deem the minimum acceptable load.
However, it’s nowhere near the ammo selection of 00 buck.
20ga Defensive Pick – Winchester 20ga #3 Buckshot Defense
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We’re going down in terms of shotgun barrel diameter with 20 gauge (yup, it’s the opposite and weird).
Probably the smallest you’ll want to go.
And with that smaller gauge, the ammo selection drops as well. Much less oomph and very manageable even for smaller-stature people.
Best Shotgun Birdshot Ammo
Great for hunting and shooting at clays but not the best for home defense.

You can see the #8 birdshot does not penetrate the recommended 12 to 18-inches…even without clothes in front.
#4 birdshot (which is much bigger) fares only slightly better.

So, let’s focus on range shooting rounds…
Editor’s Birdshot Pick – Federal Top Gun
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One of my go-to picks for bulk birdshot shooting…
1200 ft/sec muzzle velocity which works with most higher-quality semis or broken in more budget options.
I usually go for #8 or #7.5 birdshot size.
Most Affordable 12ga Birdshot – Rio Star Team Evo
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A newer pick for me, but they seem to keep in stock and are the most affordable right now.
Plus, their 1340 fps runs my semi-autos decently.
Also Great Birdshot – Nobel Sport 12ga
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Usually, the most affordable and available on the market.
1200 ft/s, so it might not work in all semi-autos.
I’ve shot other Nobel branded shotgun rounds, and they’ve all been fine.
Best Shotgun Slugs

A slug is a 1 oz piece of solid lead…usually rifled for better spin and accuracy.
Definitely overkill unless you have perfect aim and no neighbors for some distance.

Yup, you read that right…it’s around 27 inches of penetration. Great for hunting/protection against bigger critters…but not of the two-footed humankind.
Editor’s Pick 12ga Slug – Federal Vital-Shok
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A classic of the ages and ready to stop any threat you put it up against.
Quite some oomph with 1,600 fps. Make sure you have some sort of more precise iron (such as a ghost ring) or an optic to get on target.
More Affordable 12ga Slug – Winchester HP Rifled Slug
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Normally a cheaper option, but still reliable and accurate.
Will run most semi-autos well with its high velocity.
What Makes a Good Defensive Round?
In our other defensive round reviews (9mm, .45 ACP, .40 S&W, 5.56/.223), we show examples of how the FBI conducts ballistics gel tests to test loads.

- 10 feet away to simulate average defensive gun use distance
- Addition of clothing (you can see on the left side there are four layers for a “worst case”)
- 12-18 inches of penetration (ideal to actually hit vital organs and some leeway for bigger people or in case the intruder has limbs in front of their torso)
However, there’s not as much good data for shotgun loads so we will have to make do with what we’ve got.
Review of Shotgun Loads
Before we do…let’s quickly review the three main types of shotgun loads. For a more in-depth guide, check out our Shotgun Terms article.
What’s birdshot, you ask?
Think of it as lots of little BBs spreading out so you can hit birds/clays.

The larger the number in front of the shot (eg. #9 shot), the smaller but more plentiful the BBs.
Also, understand that the shotgun is not a magical death machine where you simply aim into a room and get everyone. Below is the pattern of 7.5 birdshot at 10-yards.

Much larger BBs than birdshot, the most plentiful buckshot round is 00 buck (“double-aught buck”). It has eight to nine pellets, each roughly 8.4mm in diameter.

You don’t want to get hit by any of those…let alone nine.
Again, larger numbers of buckshot (such as #1 or #4) have increasingly smaller pellets. While more 0’s get bigger.

This type is made for hunting and self-defense.
Buckshot requires pretty good aim. Check out standard 00 buck at 10 yards.

This type of shotgun ammo consists of one big piece of metal, usually around 1 ounce.
It’s great for well-aimed shots and has decent distance as well.

I’ve had to ring steel at 120 yards for some competitions, and although it’s hard…it’s doable with slugs.
Shotgun Ammo for Other Gauges
Up til now, we’ve focused on the 12-gauge, which is by far the most popular. I’m not super familiar with the other gauges, so I’m following the recommendations of Internet Armory.
Weak caliber…even with slugs. Avoid for self-defense.
Great for smaller-stature people. The smaller 20 gauge delivers 70% of the lead with a 40-50% reduction in recoil when compared to 12 ga.

Lols, you can probably go with anything for this “canon.”
Final Thoughts
There you have it…our recommendations for the best shotgun ammo for home defense and target shooting.

So try a bunch of them out and see what shoots and patterns best in YOUR shotgun.
There are also a lot more types at our favorite stores that have a good selection of shotgun ammo:
What did you end up liking the best? Let us know in the comments! And check out our other shotgun articles:
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February 2024– Featuring the latest in-stock options and industry update
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Pick any brand 00, 0, #1 or #4 shell and an intruder at 5 -10 yards and bang , dead bad guy . Brand doesn't matter. That being said this was a very informative article for someone new to Shottys and the differences between the rounds. Very well written.
should have mentioned saboted slugs for use in rifled shotgun barrels ive take many deer at 100+ yards, the best ones i ever used were the original BRI sabot rounds 1950 ft/sec
Good article
I shot a box of 12 gauge slugs that looked just like the one you have pictured above. Each one blew a huge hole in the paper target -- as opposed to several small holes. I thought to myself, if I was a good aim, I could have quite a rifle for about $200 - that's about what a Mossberg Maverick 12 gauge shotgun costs, and they are ultra reliable, from what I hear.
Good article! You should add a category for 12-gauge “reduced recoil” (pump guns only?).
One of the best IF not the best article I've read on this subject.
Thank you, looking at a shotgun that handles 3", not sure how that compares to 2-3/4", assume either would work.
3” gives quite a kick. For home defense my shotgun holds more 2 3/4.
But 3’ gives quite a kick to the bad guy also. I use a 3’ 12 pellet load. No bad guy is walking away from a center mass hit with that.
Well done. Thank you.
Disappointed that the only penetration you discussed was related to the Bad Guy. Don't misunderstand; an excellent article as far as it goes, but no mention of penetration through typical sheet rock walls; relevant to those with families (people in other rooms) or apartment dwellers (neighbors just on the other side). Thanks for what you did, though! Good testing and comparative results, rarely found elsewhere for shotguns.
It's a separate article with a link to it in the buckshot discussion, specifically the number 4 buckshot section.
The sound alone of racking your shotgun’s slide should send intruders running…"
Did Joe Biden write that?
Anyway, I've used a shot gun around 15 times (that I can recall) in my personal and professional life against bad guys. I've only had two bad guys run away when the *Ka-CHUNK* happened. Some of them just surrendered when the shotgun was pointed at them, some of them stood there defiant to the end challenging me to shoot them (the end being when they were finally taken down and cuffed or in a couple of cases shot), and some of them charged me - but out of all those I only had two actually run away when they heard the *Ka-CHUNK*.
Bad guys today are not like bad guys 30 - 40 years ago when bad guys cared what *Ka-CHUNK* meant because it had a good chance of being followed by pewpew (see what I did there :) ) if they hung around. Bad guys have always been somewhat stupid, but most of today's bad guys one is likely to encounter are completely stupid and full of false bravado plus there is an increased number that really deep down want to die anyway.
When the *Ka-CHUNK* happens and the bad guy just stands there and flips you off or says "fu3k you" you know its going to get difficult so be ready to enact plan B.
I personally know of two cases where racking the slide sent intruders running for a clean pair of underwear. No shooting necessary is the only good outcome--stealth ninja SEAL Ranger Jedi Recon tactical bullshit aside. You aren't John Wick, and you aren't shooting it out with an army of Kamikaze assassins.
“Weak caliber…even with slugs. Avoid for self-defense.”
So the .410 is too wimpy? I beg to differ. A 10 minute search found a number of .410 slug options. The weakest has a 1/4 ounce slug at a reported 1330 fps. That’s to say, a 109 grain slug with 428 ft.lbs. of energy. That’s the weakest load I saw. Another load has a half ounce slug at 1410 fps with 962 ft.lbs. That exceeds .41 magnum factory 210 grain revolver stats, and nobody discounts the .41 magnum as being too weak for self defense.
I watched a YouTube video awhile back on the .410 that is eye opening. Search YouTube
Is a .410 Adequate for Home Defense? Testing the Henry Axe .410
The buckshot will do the job I’d think.
Also best to have a lower rail spotlight which illuminates the target. I have a 4 1/2" Monstrum that is very comfortable as a foregrip on my ATI 12GA. There were postgrips also. If it's lit it's hit.
"The sound alone of racking your shotgun’s slide should send intruders running, …"
I can't think of anything said about guns that's that stupid but still gets recited so often. First of all, you're deliberately walking into what might turn out to be a gunfight with an empty slot in your magazine tube. Second, you're alerting the bad guy that you're on your way and telling him which way you'll be coming from. So if he also has a gun and/or intends fighting it out, you've just given him all the information he needs to lay an ambush you. And lastly, eventually everything mechanical breaks. There's even an engineering term for it, "MTBF." If I walk into a fight with a round already chambered, there's a better chance I'll get off at least that one shot -- which might be enough to end the fight -- than if I had to rely on the pump action cycling correctly once more.
It's not worth risking your life by saddling yourself with all those disadvantages just so you can score "cool points" by causing your shotgun to make an intimidating (but harmless) sound.
I can think of something close to being that stupid.....fearing a pump action shotgun mechanism will fail and using that as a reason to keep a round chambered. Seems like YOU'RE the one living in the movies. Just how many instances of intrusions do you think consist of an armed and highly trained criminal with a specific intention of killing you? And if you claim to be the target of such an invasion you can be pretty sure you'll be outnumbered and outgunned. Scareface-type assaults aside, the vast majority of intrusions consist of a burglar who thinks no one is home or maybe is someone planning an assault of a female. While you should be ready to engage and pull the trigger and not rely on a sound to scare someone off - it often will in most common non-theatrical encounters. Remember, your goal (and the law) is survival in a situation where harm is imminent - not shooting just because someone is in your home. See how you fare in court if you kill someone who was only pocketing a cell phone and some jewelry. So in your possible fantasy-driven, Death-Wish style scenario, you may be right and you'll pop the ninja-style attacker first. But in most cases, the goal is NOT to engage unless there's no other choice. Nowadays you'll end up in prison but at least you'll be able to tell everyone around "the yard" that you got him first, right? By the way, how many responsible gun owners do you think would grab a poorly maintained pump shotgun on the brink of suddenly failing when they fear someone is in their home? Most gun owners I know use and maintain their guns in top condition which almost guarantees reliability.
GREAT RESPONSE MAN I COULDNT HAVE SAID THAT BETTER MYSELF! the goal is to not engage but to maintain safety for both individuals if that means talking to the guy through the wall like hey! You there! I hear you! I'm gunna pump you full of meat and then lead! If you don't put down my jewelery! (Thief) proceeds to bend over "oops looks like I've dropped some!" Wtf? Now what kinda situation is this! Noooo!
FACTS. Give this man a beer. It is now 2023, the POTUS is Biden. You're damn right you better have a life threatening situation to kill someone especially with a firearm.
Racking the gun will give your position away so not good.
I get your point 100% but........ .. I live in 2 different environments. Wilderness for about 275 days of the year and in an apartment attached to my friends house when I'm in the city. In the woods especially when I'm still on trails and their is a good chance people will be through. If I hear something walking outside the tent I like to rack that 12ga because that tells me if I I come out shooting or not. If it's a person I don't care if they have never seen a real shotgun they will know what that sound is and you will hear feet beating ground hauling ass. If it's 4 legged it won't run because it doesn't know what that is.
When I'm in my apartment I also keep it loaded but not chambered so if someone breaks in I can rack that slide and hopefully it will send them off and I don't have to shoot them because that's alot alot alot of time and money spent in court. Plus I don't want them to start shooting and hitti.g someone or something I care about. Plus depending 9m the state alot of cops will ask if you let them know to get out because you are armed. Can't think of any better way than to rack the pump. Also most home.invasuon criminals aren't the most trained individuals and are hopped up on dope so that rack won't give away where you are. But I also have tiny tiny tiny home nanny spy cameras basically so I can see what's around or if someone has been around.
EXACTLY!!! In addition to everything you said, racking the slide means you are equipped with one less round than your weapon can hold.
Unless you are highly trained, a pump is far less reliable in a fight than a quality semi-auto. The stress of fighting intruders in your home could easily cause a person to short-stroke a pump, "forget" to cycle the action or be physically incapable of cycling the action due to stress or injury. By "highly trained", I mean Special Operations soldiers, SWAT members, etc.
This is why all my shotguns are Remington 1100's, Mossberg 930's and a Benelli M4.
I used to live in a mobile home with very thin walls. The guy who sold me my 12-gauge told me that if a bad actor is at the door, trying to get in, he will hear me pump my 12-gauge and will know what's about to happen if he sticks around. Maybe the sound of pumping my shotgun wouldn't scare away all bad actors, but if it scares away anyone, it is worth it.
Looking for an AR 410,upper receiver.
Can you point me to the right direction?
Good luck in court if you use buckshot for home defense since it overpenetrates like crazy
Can you link me to a case where a person was penalized for using buckshot in a home defense shooting?
Concerned with slug over penetration for home defense? Look at the Brenneke Tactical Home Defense Slug (low recoil). Also check out the Winchester Segmented Slug. Both are great for home defense and limit the concern for over penetration.
I agree. The funny thing is that the article I read immediately before this one explained that racking the slide only gives away your presence and position, eliminating a significant advantage over an intruder... aka "I'm awake, know you are here and am located at the sound of the racking slide".
Ideally, the only intruder that will ever hear a slide rack is the OTHER intruder.
Also, unless you are highly trained to be effective in high-stress situations, such as a home invasion, get a semi-auto. I would rather take the chances on a quality semi-auto having a FTF than rely on my ability to cycle a pump without delay or a short-stroke. By "highly trained", I mean military special operators/combat vets or police SWAT. Civilians are not trained for these kind of encounters.
Oops, replied to the wrong post. Sorry about that.
I will usually agree with the different writers at Pew Pew, occasionally enjoying and even learning a thing or two from their articles. But WHY do these people who think of themselves as "gun experts" keep telling their readers that the sound of a pump shotgun will scare off the bad guys ? Should you be facing amateurs, that "sound" might work in your favor. But should I be a "really bad guy" intent on robbing or doing you harm, that "sound" just told me where to aim and shoot. That shotgun that is being used for home defense MUST have a round chambered at all times [and the 'safety' on.] Otherwise that home defense shotgun is worthless. Not convinced ? Then ask yourself why you would want to reveal your position in the home to the bad guy(s)? Why would you want to confront the bad guy(s) with an unloaded weapon ? Any assault, armed or unarmed, against you and your loved ones must be met with an action that guarantees you will be the victor. Still not convinced? Which will stop the bad guy's attack ? Sound waves or a load of double aught (00) buckshot ?
I agree. The funny thing is that the article I read immediately before this one explained that racking the slide only gives away your presence and position, eliminating a significant advantage over an intruder... aka "I'm awake, know you are here and am located at the sound of the racking slide". Ideally, the only intruder that will ever hear a slide rack is the OTHER intruder. Also, unless you are highly trained to be effective in high-stress situations, such as a home invasion, get a semi-auto. I would rather take the chances on a quality semi-auto having a FTF than rely on my ability to cycle a pump without delay or a short-stroke. By "highly trained", I mean military special operators/combat vets or police SWAT. Civilians are not trained for these kind of encounters.
You have to get in the habit of immediately racking the slide after you pull the trigger. It should not be like the video. Shot (pause) rack. It is instant. shotrack.
I'm not so sure 12 gauge slugs are always inappropriate for self defense or home defense against human attackers. That 27" figure was probably from Brenneke slugs, which are cast of a hard lead alloy to resist deformation and are always outliers. The common one-ounce "Foster" style 12 gauge slugs are normally swaged from dead-soft pure lead. They typically pancake out to 1" or more diameter and often penetrate less than 15" of ballistic gelatin--less than #00 buckshot does.
A blunt .70-caliber one-ounce hunk of lead traveling at Mach 1.5 seems to take the starch out of whitetail deer that might run half a mile with their heart and lungs blasted to shreds by a shot from a high-powered rifle. I think it might put a hurting on bad guys too.
I can't disagree with you, however Brenneke does make a Tactical Home Defense Slug (low recoil) for less penetration concerns. Winchester also has a Segmenting Slug that does not over penetrate.
Disappointed not to see any reference to Brenneke Tactical Home Defense (slug) and Federal Premium Personal Defense product (buckshot). Both available in 12 gauge and 20 gauge. These are two reputable, well known manufacturers offering product specific to this article. Omitted because they might not fit your opinions?
Agree with you about the Brenneke THD slug. Also, Hornady Critical Defense 00 Buck is good too.
Hornady Critical Defense
After years of research and consideration, I'll go with a magnum load of number 1 Buckshot any day!
Very informative, but I have decided on #4 buckshot for home defense.
I have pistols, rifles and shotguns but if I find an intruder in my house I'd get more satisfaction using my baseball bat to his gizzards so I have someone to insult and make a believer out of while I'm waiting for the cops to arrive. Also the thought of looking at someone with either bird shot or buck shot all in their face and getting blood on my rug grosses me out. *I can drop and disarm anyone with my bat. I'll save the howitzers for taking down big game or in defense against possible attacks from a crazed group of radicals or whatever else pops up. Yes I keep them safely locked and loaded.
I agree. I don't want things ruined in my house or continuous answers to the police.
To each his own. I personally prefer not to bring a baseball bat to a gun fight.
I gotta say, dismissing 410 bore as too weak is almost like saying that a 38 special is non-lethal. Is it the best? That depends on the shooter and what THEY shoot best. I assure you any home defense shotgun in 410 loaded with 000 buck is more than adequate to stop a threat. Those five pellets at 15 feet are devastating, so don't kid yourself and don't dissuade people who are recoil averse from using this very effective equipment. Very misleading comment.
Several revolvers have, in recent years, allowed .410 shotgun shells to be fired from them (Taurus Judge and others I can't remember). Although I hear terrible things about most of those revolvers, few dispute the effectiveness of a .410 shell being fired from those revolvers for defensive purposes, particularly relative to smaller pistol calibers. But when it comes to firing the same thing from an actual shotgun with a much longer barrel and with likely greater accuracy due to being fired from the shoulder, suddenly .410 becomes something to avoid? I couldn't agree with you more that, for a smaller, lighter, or more frail person, being confident with their .410 would be better than them being afraid of their own 12 gauge.
#6 shot from a 12G to the face or body at 10-20 feet will take out a person... give me a break keyboard worriers
Getting hit by any load would suck but the article is about the most effective loads. #6 could work if that is all you have. If you have a plan for home defense, why not use what is going to stack the odds in your favor? Buck shot will be a better load. No debate.
Poop face!
Good stuff. I load plain Federal #1 Buck in my 12 gauge and sleep well at night.
32 years in law enforcement, 20 as a firearms and defensive tactics instructor. In the field #1 buck is just as effective as 00 and you get more chances to hit something. Like all weapons it's not what you're shooting but where. You need just as much aiming and control with the scatter gun as you do with your pistol. Just like there is no magic bullet there are no magic guns.
I was mildly disappointed to not see Ddupleks represented, neither here, nor in the article at https://www.pewpewtactical.com/exotic-shotgun-ammo/
In my opinion, these rounds should certainly be in one of these articles, if not both. I'll include a link here in case you've not run across them previously. ;-)
Thanks for the suggestion - I've never heard of it before but looking through their website...I would have some issues with it.
First would be the fact that they/their marketing team believe that gut shots are humane. One video has them literally shooting the CGI deer in the gut and then bragging about how because of the fragmentation of the round, it will still create a wound channel that barely reaches the tip of a vital organ.
That is kind of horrifying to find on a companies website.
Hi David. Thanks for the quick response. I had not seen that demonstration, although I do know that bad hits do happen in real life so I guess I could understand the experiment if treated as such.
I have no personal experience with these rounds in living tissue, but do keep 7 of them in my Benelli for home defense. I discovered them several years ago, found them fascinating, bought 30 boxes or so and that's about it.
All that aside, I believe this was the first article I've read from your site and judging by the content, tone and attitude, I can assure you I'll be back regularly. Thanks again for the followup and for creating great content! :-)
Omg no way. That's disgusting. I doubt you'll ever find that deer if you don't have a machine they can go miles even with a gut shot. But that's disgusting to think about man I'm glad you mentioned that!
dduplex been collecting for long time.any of the slugs my choice ,just my opinion.loce all the comments.
In the photo lineup, the 16ga and 20ga shells are out of order.
I should have mentioned this earlier. Racking a shotgun gives the intruder your location and what you are armed with.
I have no children or other humans living with me, so my weapons are always fully loaded and chambered.
I agree racking the shotgun is over rated. However, Shotguns are not designed to have a chamber in the round when not in use. If they are knocked over, they can fire. A safer alternative is keep the shotgun in “cruiser mode”. Rack and then pull the trigger. Put the shotgun on safe. Load the magazine. Store locked up.
If the shotgun is stored locked up, how can it be accidentally knocked over? I am guessing you mean locked in a safe or other container. Unless locked in my safe, All of my guns are loaded with a round chambered, but they are secured in a way to prevent accidental drops or contact, usually in a drawer or a holster.
IDK id this can help anyone, but i find breneke k.o, black magic, and S.F. short magnums to be very accurate in my 20" mossberg. and pack a punch too. want to try DDupleks broadheads and hexolit 32's next. for buckshot i go number 1 or 00. I like the federal premiums with copper plated pellets. they have a tight pattern and i do not want to clean up bad guy splatter residue plus do expensive home repairs too. I only do buckshot for HD. not slugs, but keep some in my sidesaddle in case the fight goes beyond the walls of my castle.
Nice article, but some misinformation.
20 ga. does not come in 00 buck. It comes in #1, #2, #3, and #4. My 20 is loaded with Federal 3" magnum #2 shells. 18 copper plated .27 caliber pellets per shell. I wouldn't use anything smaller than #3 for home defense.
Oops, typo there - thanks for finding that!
You are quite welcome.. I try to keep up with articles about 20 ga. shells. Some of my age (64) and increasing senility are going to the 20 as a more controllable and less painful alternative.
That should read "increasing disability" but the spellchecker substituted "senility". I have all my mental faculties intact. It is the physical faculties that are wearing out.
Thanks, Eric! Great Article and extremely timely. My home defense (HD) has been handled quite well over the years with pistols and rifles. Now, I'm getting a little older (64) and my eyes are getting worse with every passing year. I felt a shotgun was a better HD option for me. After a great deal of consideration I've decided my new Mossberg 590A1 will be stoked with #4 Buck for my HD load. I live in a Townhouse with neighbors on each side. My 'firing lane' is east and west. Only! Should #4 Buck prove inadequate, I still have my Browning HP and my PWS Mk 1 Mod 1 AR. Sadly, I left my LAR back in the Navy. For you young guys, it's kind of like an AT-4. Smiles. I haven't had a shotgun since I was a kid. Duck and Upland Bird hunting kind of went by the wayside once I discovered 'girls' and center-fire rifles. Big Smiles!
Great choice! Sights on that shotgun, ghost ring? 3 dot? Red Dot?
Ghost Ring.. I'm trying to find a Big Dot Tritium Dovetail front sight.
I bought Winchester super speed. 23/4 1350 volocity. 8 shot. Not the best or is it worst for home defense. I need to know what is best.
What you have is birdshot, strongly NOT recommended for HD.
We recommend, and I personally load in my HD shotgun, Winchester Super-X #1 Buck, 12ga, 2-3/4". #1 Buck is the Goldilocks loading providing around 16" of penetration with shot that is still heavy enough and large enough to cause massive soft tissue damage.
If you live in a small home, such as a condo or apartment, or have family members/pets in other rooms you might want to use a slightly less powerful loading such as Federal Power Shok #4 Buck, 12ga, 2-3/4".
I use #3 buck in my 20 gauge with an 18 1/2 barrel. I use 00 buck reduced power loads in my 12 gauge Mossberg 88. Either will get the job done at self-defense distance.
I might end up choosing #4 buckshot for my 12ga at home, but I can't PRACTICE with it. My local ranges only let you shoot shotguns using slugs...
Okay i use no 6 bird shot for home defense which is plenty of power at 10 ft to obliterate a human target, cloths or not. A gel test is only going to tell you a penatration on something that flexes on contact. A human stomach or ribs don't flex but shatter and ripped into shreds. Watch https:// www. Youtube. Com/watch?=zarlevybugc. Using actual matiral that simulates the human body is the true test of shot damage.
From experience. 60 years ago my grandfather used a 12 ga shotgun with a shotgun shell which had the shot taken out. He was going to use it to discourage a stray dog. At 30 ft the wad alone blew the top of the dog's head off.
I been researching for the best type of shells for my new mossberg 590, and trying to get a bit of information on the different brands of ammo, for home defense and you have mention a few that was in my sights with good scores. Thank you for your reviews on this subject.
You're so welcome!
I like this article. Thank you Eric Hung. I don't shoot much at all but the way the winds are blowing in our country I do want to be perpared for anything. I want to be safe and quick to control any bad situation on my property. I'll be heading to a range soon to practice.. I do hope I'll only use my shotgun for target practice. Peace .
You're welcome Bob!