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Trigger Discipline: Proper & Poor Examples

Quickly learn proper trigger discipline with tons of (bad) examples from film, tv, video games, and real-life.
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    Trigger discipline breaks down into not having your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

    Why? Because keeping your booger hook off the bang switch until you’re ready to fire is a critical safety measure.

    Most negligent discharges are the result of poor trigger discipline! So pay attention, because this could save your life or the life of a loved one.

    This is my safety
    Okay but really, put your mechanical safety on also.

    Proper Trigger Discipline

    The go-to technique is to extend and rest your trigger finger against the frame of the firearm.  This makes it much more difficult for a series of events to happen where you accidentally shoot someone or something.

    Good Trigger Discipline Glock 17
    Good Trigger Discipline Glock 17

    Otherwise, if you rest your finger on the trigger or even in the trigger guard, you can fire your gun due to being startled, stumbling, getting spasms, or even bumps in the road.  Remember that scene in Pulp Fiction?

    Pulp Fiction Poor Trigger Discipline
    Pulp Fiction Poor Trigger Discipline

    Examples in Media

    Now that you know, you’ll start to see examples of both good and bad trigger discipline all over the media.  Here’s some of our favorites.

    Double good trigger discipline in Inception.

    Inception Good Trigger Discipline
    Inception Good Trigger Discipline

    Good ole Feinstein practicing poor trigger discipline AND poor muzzle discipline.

    Feinstein Poor Trigger Discipline
    Feinstein Poor Trigger Discipline

    James Bond definitely had some proper training.

    Bond with Good Trigger Discipline
    Bond with Good Trigger Discipline

    And even Mr. Kalishnikov himself is guilty once in a while.

    Kalashnikov Holding a Kalashnikov
    Kalashnikov Holding a Kalashnikov
    john wick trigger
    Keanu Reeves as John Wick with some very nice trigger discipline!

    Parting Shots

    Good trigger discipline really is as simple as it sounds, but it’s important to always practice. It can be easy to develop bad habits or let yourself get complacent — but that is also how people get hurt.

    Now that you’ve seen some good/bad examples…head out and learn how trigger discipline affects control.

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    • ThatOneBro

      Thank you Eric !

      May 18, 2019 4:51 pm
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