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Top 5 Firearms Instructors (That You Can Still Learn From)

Sig Sauer Academy
Want to learn shooting from the best? We gather our favorite firearm instructors from all around the US. Now get your learn on!
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    Training is a perishable skill.

    Due to the real need for upkeep and – let’s face it – up-leveling, the only way to keep your self-defense skills going is by training consistently with solid instructors.

    Staccato P spitfire
    Staccato P spitfire

    Finding a good instructor can be tricky, though.

    Cost aside there’s the fact the only instructor in your area might be some guy wearing hard knuckle gloves and a shemagh to teach basic pistol.

    Crimson Trace RAD Pro Gunsite Class

    So who’s good? I’m glad you asked.

    These are my top five picks for guys who should be on your bucket list to train with.

    Best Firearm Instructors

    Note, these are not in order of ranking.

    Just in order of how they were added to the list. Number 2 isn’t necessarily better than number 4. Also, these are instructors we’ve had hands-on time with. If you don’t see your fave listed, drop us a comment so we can check them out!

    1. Massad Ayoob

    This is a little like starting with the boom instead of leading up to it. Mas Ayoob is a cop and instructor who has been teaching and writing for decades.

    He’s also invaluable as a teacher. I’ve learned more from Mas than from any other instructor out there and I don’t mean only for live fire. His lectures are fantastic.

    Mas Ayoob gets his classroom teaching on.
    Mas Ayoob gets his classroom teaching on.

    If you can only take one class, take MAG-40 (MAG stands for Massad Ayoob Group). MAG-40 incorporates twenty hours of lecture and twenty hours of range time into four extremely busy days.

    During those hours Mas drops a ridiculous amount of knowledge on his students about self-defense law, technique, and practical applications.

    He’s said more than once he tries to get as much information out as possible but it’s flat impossible to do it all. That’s why you should take it more than once. And take MAG-80, MAG-120, and MAG-180, too.

    MAG-40 is the kind of class you save your pennies for as long as it takes. Mas teaches the class across the country so at some point he’ll probably be within semi-reasonable traveling distance.

    Firearms Academy of Seattle instructor Belle McCormack, the author, and Mas Ayoob
    Firearms Academy of Seattle instructor Belle McCormack, the author, and Mas Ayoob

    There’s also MAG-20 – one for live fire, one for lecture only – that splits the content in two. I would say attend a lecture if you must choose only one.

    Take a laptop because you won’t be able to write by hand fast enough to write down everything you need to remember. I have dozens of pages of notes and when I re-take his classes I write it all down again.

    Not only are there always things I missed, there’s new stuff, too: Mas keeps his curriculum up-to-date to reflect and include current events.

    If you can’t make a class yet, at least get one of his books to get you started!

    2. Spencer Keepers

    Where Mas is the king of, well, everything, Spencer Keepers is the undeniable master of AIWB (Appendix Inside the WaistBand). Not only does he make holsters designed specifically for AIWB carry, but he also teaches classes on it.

    He’s a freaking stellar shot, too.

    Want some AIWB knowledge Go to Spencer Keepers of Keepers Concealment
    Want some AIWB knowledge Go to Spencer Keepers of Keepers Concealment

    Available classes include Essential Handgun Skills, Situational Control, and Defensive Handgun I/II/II/IV but it’s his AIWB Skills class you should put on your bucket list. He calls it his signature class and it really is, in excellent ways.

    AIWB Skills covers all things AIWB from proper holsters to safety to drawing from concealment. If you want to master carrying AIWB, take this class. If you think AIWB is a great way to shoot your sensitive bits off, take this class.

    Concealed Carry AIWB Holster

    Either way, it’s a win because you walk away with the knowledge necessary to make an educated decision.

    A quick word on holsters. If you’re looking for a holster specifically designed for AIWB by the master of this carry method check out Keepers Concealment.

    His first holster, the Keeper, is still offered and is a favorite of many gun owners.

    And if you don’t want an AIWB model there’s The Mentor, designed for strong side hip carry. There are options, and Keepers knows his stuff.

    3. Tom Givens

    With a background including 25 years in law enforcement and specialized security work Tom Givens definitely has a good foundation for self-defense training.

    He’s the founder of Rangemaster Firearms Training Services and has a reputation as a tough but fair trainer; for those who prefer blunt honesty to kids gloves, Givens is your guy.

    Tom Givens is a former career cop and range owner who founded Rangemaster Firearms Training Services and now teaches around the country with his wife, Lynn Givens
    Tom Givens is a former career cop and range owner who founded Rangemaster Firearms Training Services and now teaches around the country with his wife, Lynn Givens

    Givens and his wife Lynn travel across the country teaching but are perhaps best known for the annual TacCon event, the location of which varies by year. What’s so cool about TacCon? A lot of things.

    TacCon – Tactical Conference – is an annual event comprised of a variety of classes taught by different instructors. Classes run the gamut of self-defense and first aid and if you have any way of attending, you should.

    Want to run your pistol better from concealment? TacCon.

    Need better emergency medical training? TacCon.

    Interested in improving your force-on-force skills? TacCon.

    And if you don’t live in the southern portion of the country, where TacCon is typically hosted, there’s always Pacific Northwest TacCon.

    PNW TacCon is held at Firearms Academy of Seattle in Onalaska, Washington in alternate years and brings many of the same instructors and stellar content on-site.

    Can’t swing TacCon? Givens teaches both lecture and live-fire at a number of locations throughout the year.

    Still can’t do it? Read one of his books. I recommend Fighting Smarter: A Practical Guide for Surviving Violent Confrontations, but he does have others.

    4. Gunsite Academy

    Yes, I realize this is a place, not a person. I’ll readily admit former Border Patrol agent Ed Head is a favorite of mine at Gunsite Academy but there are a slew of stellar instructors there.

    Former border patrol agent and current firearms instructor Ed Head is a favorite of mine at Gunsite Academy.
    Former border patrol agent and current firearms instructor Ed Head is a favorite of mine at Gunsite Academy.

    Taking Gunsite 250 should be crazy high on your priority list but there are a ton of other classes at the renowned academy worth attending.

    Does it take a significant investment of time and money to hit Gunsite? Yes it does, but it is more worthwhile than I can even begin to explain.

    Gunsite was founded by the late Jeff Cooper in 1971 as the American Pistol Institute.

    Mrs. Cooper was a gracious host, speaking with us about the school, Col. Cooper, and their home.
    Mrs. Cooper with PPT writer Sean Curtis. Sadly, Mrs. Cooper passed away in 2019

    It’s located in Paulden, Arizona – yes, it gets hot, no, don’t make “but it’s a dry heat” jokes – and spans 4.5 square miles. They’re equipped with a Pro Shop, a full-service gunsmith, and a campground.

    At the campground, you can find laundry facilities, hot water, and trailer hookups. There’s also the House on Gunsite Road, a rental home located half a mile from the academy that has everything from privacy and a porch to space to work on guns.

    Just saying, there are options for your stay.

    I arrived at Gunsite on the first day, just before sunrise.
    I arrived at Gunsite on the first day, just before sunrise.

    Their classes aren’t limited to the expected defensive pistol work, either; Gunsite offers classes like Church Defense, Team Tactics for Two, and Night Vision Pistol/Carbine (for a start).

    It doesn’t matter if you shoot a 1911, a revolver, or a Glock. It’s all welcome.

    Another PPT writer, Sean, wrote an awesome review of Gunsite also that is absolutely worth checking out!

    5. Sig Sauer Academy

    An internationally recognized training facility, Sig Sauer Academy is exactly what you would expect — huge, beautiful, and incredible.

    Located in New Hampshire, Sig covers basically every type of class that you might be interested in taking. New gun owner, pistol, rifle, even 1,000-yard long-range precision rifle. If it shoots, Sig has a class on it — almost.

    Sig Sauer Academy
    Sig Sauer Academy

    What stands out most about SSA is their staff and the facility they have build. If you want some of the most friendly and helpful trainers around, SSA is the place to find them. Every one of their trainers is a professional and acts like it.

    As for the facility, the map alone should tell you something about what it’s like.

    Sig Sauer Academy Map 2
    Sig Sauer Academy Map

    Ya, it’s kind of like Disneyland but for learning about firearms!

    If you’re in the NH area or can plan a trip, Sig Sauer Academy is a must-go.

    For more info on Sig Sauer’s Academy, check out the Brownells Daily Defense video below for more deets!

    Honorable Mentions

    A top 5 list is limited to just 5, but there are a LOT more than 5 awesome trainers and training groups out there. Here are a few more that we highly recommend!

    Sage Dynamics

    Head trainer and owner Aaron Cowan is former US Army, law enforcement, and one of the most dedicated and studious trainers we have ever encountered.

    If you want a taste of what training with Cowan is like, take a look at his YouTube channel. In it, he covers a huge range of topics and incredibly detailed reviews.

    Everything from human anatomy and how it relates to a self-defense shooting to the durability of red dot optics after 20,000 rounds fired and 40 chest-height drops onto concrete, Sage Dynamics doesn’t pull punches.

    Training classes are focused on self-defense shooting, pistol, rifle, low light, and a detailed course on vehicle defense where you’ll have the opportunity to shoot the crap out of a car to see firsthand exactly what is and isn’t bulletproof.

    Sage Dynamics Car Training
    Sage Dynamics Vehicle Training

    Sage Dynamics is also a huge proponit of red dot optics on pistols for self-defense and duty. Cowan also keeps a white paper publicly available on Miniaturized Red Dot Systems for Duty Handgun Use.

    If you’re interested in a running list of what red dots he has tested, what has passed his destructive testing, or why exactly you should be considering a red dot on your CCW or duty pistol, the white paper is an incredible resource.

    K&M Precision

    Most training is focused on simple topics, rifle, pistol, and the like. But if you want more niche training, such as how to make first-round hits at insane distances, you’ll need specialized training like the kind found at K&M Precision in Tennessee.

    km precision rifle training 3
    K&M Precision rifle training

    If you’re getting started in long-range, looking to take your competition game to the next level, or interested in long range moving targets like hunting — K&M has a class for you.

    Maybe best of all, K&M has a REALLY nice set of bunkhouses for you to stay in while taking classes. And if you’re flying in, they even provide the linens!

    KM Bunk House
    K&M Bunk House. Sure beats a Motel 6 off the highway!

    If you’ve ever traveled for training before, you know what a nightmare it can be to find a hotel, figure out transportation to and from the range, etc. K&M handles that for you while putting you up in some nice digs.

    And they don’t charge extra for it.


    These are just some of the great trainers around that you can take classes from.

    Training is necessary to be a responsible good guy.

    It is critically important to get firearms training and to keep your skills sharp, but it’s also important to research your trainers/classes first. Bad training is far worse than no training.

    How do you prepare for a class? Jeff Gonzales walks you through some tips in the Brownells’ Daily Defense video below.

    What kind of training have you gotten? Planing on taking new classes soon? Let us know in the comments! For some awesome at-home training you can do to keep up your skills, take a look at the Safe and Effective Dry-Fire Training at Home [Guide]!

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    18 Leave a Reply

    • William Clancy

      Have a look at Don Bussein Bakersfield, Ca. He had a full career in the Air Force, and was the original rangemaster of Frontsight when it was in Bakersfield and run by Chuck Taylor, before the takeover by Dr Ignatius Piazza, and the move to Nevada. Don opened in the late 80's, and has been offering an array of classes.

      May 26, 2023 12:12 pm
    • Damon Harrington

      Achilles Heel Tactical - AHT

      May 3, 2023 2:17 am
    • Robb Wannenburg

      Pat Mac should be on that list.

      March 15, 2022 10:46 pm
    • Douglas Carlson

      Don't forget Reid Hendricks, the owner and operator of Valor Ridge in Tennessee!!! The is amazing and known his stuff.

      March 15, 2022 8:57 am
    • John Luke

      John Lovell

      March 14, 2022 11:53 pm
    • R.D. Armstrong

      I have done 90 hours at Gunsite. Very expensive but worth every nickel. Have 40 more hours laid on for this Spring and taking my son in laws to go through 250. I like the logic and rationales taught as much as the tactics.

      February 1, 2022 1:11 pm
    • Brian Petula

      Bill Rogers and his group of instructors - - offer some of the best training in the world. His 40-years of experience training top operators and other trainers speaks for itself - do a quick Google search and decide for yourself.

      May 20, 2021 4:58 pm
      • Bull o' the Woods

        If you're down in the Austin-San Antonio area, consider KR Training. Karl Rehn is a good guy and his book "Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training" (available on Amazon) should be studied by every wanna-be pistolero.

        Couldn't help but notice Clint Smith and Thunder Ranch were entirely absent from the list. I had a good experience at Thunder Ranch Texas circa 2000, but have not been to the Oregon facility. My sense is that it is time for Clint to retire.

        June 1, 2023 5:53 pm
    • Rico de la Llama

      You have listed the cream of the crop. I was reading Mas since the 70's in gun magazines when he was a monthly contributor, but he's not a household name for the most part . I was wondering if any one has assembled a list of teachers by areas i.e. southeast, northeast and so on? Not everyone has the funds to go to the cream of the crop right of the bat. Encouraging a new student or gun owner to invest rather than spend money in a class is sometimes more cost effective. Any suggestion? I know NRA and USCCA have instructors on their web site by zip code but they don't include a ratings system such as the 5 star group you recommended.

      June 30, 2020 4:50 am
    • Hammer

      I would definitely put Ernest Langdon high on that list.

      Fieldcraft Survival is a worthy mention as well.

      June 28, 2020 3:14 pm
    • Dan M

      I just spent the day at Sig Sauer Academy in Epping, NH. It was a four hour drive from my location, but it was worth every minute. I took the pistol 101 course even though I have been shooting for several years and compete in local IDPA matches. Our instructor Mike, is a former Marine and Federal Air Marshal. Mike was great!! He was knowledgable, funny, patient, and focus on details that I had not heard before or had not had familiarity with,. Most of all he has a great sense of humor and made our class feel relaxed and enjoyable, especially for brand new shooters.

      The class kept moving through the day with a large emphasis on safety, proper hand gun technique and learning maintenance tips.

      There are great deals in the Pro -shop, so plan on spending. The entire staff is very accommodating and professional throughout the campus.

      COVID-19 protocols are in place and I felt at ease with the procedures.

      I highly recommend a visit to the Sig Sauer Academy, I know I will be returning.

      June 25, 2020 8:47 pm
      • Mark

        How does one get their firearms through Yankee Land to NH where guns are outlawed and permits not honored?

        March 14, 2022 6:51 pm
    • Joe

      Great time to post this article. I really need to get in some training. New to guns by 1 year. I've got 17 in the cabinet and no real training yet. I love fire arms, all aspects. And I'm eager to lay down a foundation of knowledge and some wisdom too so I can build on it.

      June 24, 2020 12:18 pm
    • Rick

      Anybody familiar with Front Site Academy outside Las Vegas?

      June 22, 2020 2:59 pm
      • Brandon

        I've registered for a membership, but due to COVID-19 stuff, haven't been able to go down there yet. I'm very excited to though...

        June 22, 2020 3:10 pm
        • douglas salley

          A few years ago, some how I got on Pizza mailing list. I did receive dozens of great instructions sheets covering anything related to the gun world!! It was hard to get off his mailing list!! I think I was on the email list during the time they were doing some major remodeling and or some kind of up grading it's facility. I realize I could never make a 3 or 4 day training.

          June 22, 2020 9:17 pm
    • Joe Claypool

      Have you looked into DARC (pronounced Dar-Cee) in Arkansas? Run by former Special Forces Omega Team member?

      June 22, 2020 8:55 am
    • Bull o' the Woods

      Great info. Appreciate the article. Always looking for places to "sharpen the knife."

      June 21, 2020 8:27 pm
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