- Safety, safety, safety! – you should ALWAYS remove the magazine, check the chamber, point the barrel towards in a safe direction. Follow all the gun safety rules at all times.
- Everyone should have a healthy fear of firearms – especially those who are most familiar with them. Don’t allow yourself to become careless as you become more experienced and comfortable around guns.
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My wife and I bought a shotgun for home defense.
One day she was in the bedroom and I was in my man cave and she asked "is the shotgun loaded" and I replied "I don't think so but check the..."
Before I could get the word "chamber" out, FLABOOM!
I ran into the bedroom to find the gun on the floor, my wife in tear's and a huge hole in the wall.
She wanted to practice dry firing.
This really brings the safety aspect home. I honestly think you're onto something about the "too comfortable" aspect. I once saw a carpenter run a circular saw right into his thigh. And he knew better. But he did it. He'd been handling Skilsaws for 30 years. Took five seconds to put him in an ambulance.
The one thing to remember is how important it is for your kids to understand firearms safety. Go look at the YouTube videos where they put groups of kids in a room where they discover a firearm. Every time, the ones who at a minimum don't touch the gun, or in most cases go find an adult are the ones who either grew up around firearms or at least have had some basic safety training. The rest of the kids waved it around like a toy.
Thank you for sharing your story, as well as your take-aways. It served as a strong and sobering reminder that the margin for error is razor-thin, and it reinforces the need for relentless vigilance in the use if firearms. God bless.
Thanks so much Tom!
I agree, safety, safety, safety... Always
remember to treat ALL weapons like they are loaded, even if you know it was unloaded when you put it away.
Exactly, John!