So, you want a newish firearm but don’t have the money to drop on a brand-new gun? Oh, and you happen to have a Glock laying around?

May I present an option…the conversion kit.
What is a conversion kit?

It gives you the means to expand the capabilities of your already trusty Glock into a personal defense weapon with extended range, improved accuracy, and more!
We’ve thoroughly analyzed the marketplace for these conversion kits to determine the best of the best.
So, follow along as we break down which Glock conversion kits you should consider.
Best Glock Conversion
Easiest to Assemble
Best for Ported Glocks
Table of Contents
Best Glock Conversion Kits
Before we dive in, it’s worth mentioning that you have to be really careful with conversion kits.
Many of these can turn your handgun into a Short-Barreled Rifle or Any Other Weapon. This means you need to register the thing if you want to avoid giving the ATF a reason to kick down your doors.

As always, do your research on any conversion kit on the market and the applicable laws before purchasing/putting your handgun in it.
1. Best Glock Conversion – Recover Tactical 20/20
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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Looking for something super lightweight but still gets the job done?

You can’t go wrong with the Recover Tactical 20/20 conversion kit that we tested head to head vs the Roni.
See it in action here using a PSA Dagger which also fits (and makes it super affordable).
The 20/20 requires the use of an Allen key but besides that you’re good to go.

Plus it has just enough rails for the average user (you can add them to both sides if needed).
It’s also easy to put on a suppressor compared to the Roni since the barrel is exposed.
Want to use a red dot?

Our latest build has one with a riser…get their upper rail add-on or get a high mount like I have.
And for even more points of contact and ability to add an extra mag…see their angled mag pouch.
2. Easiest to Assemble – CAA Micro Roni Conversion Kit
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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If you’re looking for a conversion kit that’s easy to assemble with no tools – grab a drop-in style kit such as the CAA Micro Roni.
This kit allows you to insert your Glock in a matter of seconds, making for a very quick and seamless transition.

Once you have your Glock converted, you’ve now drastically improved accuracy out to 200-yards.
Want to add a red dot, flashlight, or other accessories? Thanks to both its side and top Picatinny rails, there’s plenty of space to do that here.
The CAA Micro Roni is ambidextrous, meaning that you can easily use it regardless of whether you’re a righty or lefty.
For ease of one-handed use, this kit comes with an arm brace stabilizer and a Velcro strap. It also easily folds out of the way when not in use.

And, with the addition of a front spare magazine holder, you’ll always have ready access to another mag for seamless reloading.
The CAA Micro Roni gives you a lot of leeways when it comes to universality as well.
Whether you have a Glock 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 25, 31, 32, or 45, all of them will work within this design.
We did a head-to-head review of the Micro Roni vs. the Recover Tactical 20/20. Check out the results here.
3. Best for Ported Glocks – FAB Defense KPOS Scout
Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
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Another major player within the conversion kit world is FAB Defense. It can be a bit harder to find their products out in the marketplace, but if you look long enough, you’ll find them.
Chief among their designs for the Glock is the KPOS Scout.
This thing packs up into a teeny little package and seems to be akin to an envelope — everything on it folds up! You have a folding foregrip, folding stock, and flip-up sights.

It can accommodate a wide variety of ported Glock models, such as the Glock 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, and 32.
For ease of long-term carry, it comes with a one-point tactical sling as well.
Like most conversion kits on the market, this contains a Picatinny rail upper for various attachments.
You will need to register this as an SBR with the ATF if you want to remain legal, though.
Final Thoughts
A conversion kit truly gives you a wide range of options when it comes to your Glock. Not to mention, it gives you quite an edge when it comes to long-range work with your pistol.

If you have some extra gun money laying around, consider grabbing one of these kits (and the required tax stamp if needed). I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Are there other conversion kits on the market you think should have made this list? Have you had the opportunity to try any of the above? Let us know in the comments below! Want to shop more Glocks? Check out the Best Glocks: Across Calibers & Sizes.
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It’s a year later (almost) and no update.
We're still waiting on some new models to arrive. We only recommend what we have shot so that's the hold-up. Thanks for you patience!
Why wasnt the META Tactical APEX Series Carbine Conversion Kit mentioned?
We have one on the way for review. We will update this list after we've had time to test it out! Thanks for reading!
Ghey AF
Will these work with a glock 22C?
Do the Roni and MCK conversions require the SBR registration? I have contacted both companies numerous times and have received zero response from them on this. I want something Ic an just drop the Glock into and not have to worry about being outside the law.
The versions shown in the photos as of today they do not, they have pistol braces and no vertical foregrip, these are non-NFA items, they do sell the NFA versions that require registration, like the example of the KPOS Scout that would require an NFA Tax Stamp registration.
If you get the stabilizing brace, no it does not. At least until the atf changes its mind.
As long as it’s a brace, rather than an actual butt stock, then you are good to go sans-tax stamp.
I bought a CAA micro conversion kit for my Glock 21 (45 ACP) a few years ago. The purchase was done with one objective in mind- FUN. Mission accomplished!! It is a lot of fun to shoot. Worth the money spent.
Do they come in Zombie Green? Speckled would be best!
I use the Mech Tec Systems carbine conversion for my Glock 20 in 10mm. Works well, if on the heavy side. It's another option for a carbine conversion, good factory support, and lots of optional accessories.
Where is the table showing the extended range and accuracy at those ranges?
Along with the cost, add the $200 tax stamp, and how are you papering it? Trust? More legal fees or more issues with family disposing of it later.
For all the expense - literally, $250 and $200 - a few years back, you could part together a AR pistol for about that much. I did. The range and ballistics of 5.56 from a 10.5" barrel aren't radically compromised, and certainly not to 9mm performance. Neither is 9mm magically upgraded to 5.56, not at all.
I wont call it a range toy - that has been overused and most who do that become fans after a year or so, AR pistols and the Shockwave fer instance - it's your money to please. There are other firearms which can perform in a superior manner however, and a bit of circumspect research shows no military organization on earth uses these. The real thing is much less complicated and usually more powerful.
These things make your ability to accurately fire a pistol easier, not necessarily improving the accuracy itself but it does make it easier to land shots at range (not that 9mm will be that effective like you pointed out). These things are kind of dumb in the US since one of the major points for them is to be a way of owning semiauto "rifles" in Israel, and other restricted countries (pistols are ok so throwing it in a chassis keeps it legal). Here, if we so wanted a 9mm home defense or personal protection weapon, we could use one of the many compact, 9mm PCCs available on the market - much more effective without needing to turn a pistol into something it wasn't intended for.
But yeah, like you said, use your money as you please.
I had a Micro Roni felt kind of cheap to me. Just didn't feel solid. Sold it to a buddy he loves it. To each his own but I'm not a fan.
Sorry folks- Any pistol conversion kit that touches the slide of the pistol is inherently dangerous....I know- I had a G19 inside a Roni blow up in my hands whilst shooting rapid fire here in Israel. Polymer rubbing against the slide can mess up the timing and cause an ignited round before full lock up of the barrel.....that's what we think happened in my case... My Glock was destroyed....Thank G-d I was uninjured.....
Good point! First time I hear this comment and was already considering this purchase after reading several comments and reviews with no mention to this! Thanks!
The recover tactical 2020 contacts the beaver tail and the lower rail adapter of the pistol. I do not see it Maki g contact to the slide.