Welcome to a weekly series here on Pew Pew Tactical dedicated to the gun news you need to know.

So, keep reading for this week’s notable news headlines…
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Legislators Seek Federal Licensing for Gun Owners
Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., introduced a new bill last week that would require gun owners to receive a license issued by the Department of Justice prior to buying or receiving a firearm.
If passed, the bill, known as the Federal Firearm Licensing Act, would require Americans to be vetted and then issued a license that would need to be renewed every five years to buy or receive a gun.

The bill goes further, adding that to get the license, citizens would need to undergo refresher training (that includes a written test and hands-on training) and an extensive background check.
Beyond that, the 11-page bill says gun owners would also need to submit fingerprints and report the make, model, and serial number of transferred guns to the Department of Justice.
The proposal entered the Senate as S.3212 and the House as H.R.6154 and was introduced by U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and U.S. Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ 03).
Booker likened gun licensing to driver’s license requirements.

“If you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to own and use a gun,” Booker explained.
“Data shows that states that have implemented licensing laws have significantly reduced gun-related deaths. This legislation would mirror this common-sense idea at the federal level and enhance public safety by ensuring that individuals seeking to purchase firearms pass a standard background check and are properly trained before obtaining a required license.”
Both bills have been sent to judiciary committees for further discussion.
Gun Sales Up 20% in October
Gun sales shot up last month, with the industry seeing a 20% increase in purchases.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which tracks federal background checks, reported an uptick in October checks.
After the National Shooting Sports Foundation removed gun permit checks and rechecks, the NSSF reported 1.3 million checks, a 20% increase from September.

Compared to October 2022, 2023 still proved to be a profitable month with an 8.3% increase in sales.
NSSF’s Managing Director of Public Affairs, Mark Oliva, said the jump demonstrates American’s commitment to the Second Amendment. He also pointed to escalations in the Middle East, as well as a recent shooting in Maine, as a reason why more Americans are handing out cash for guns.
“This is telling, given the stark reminders of the importance of the Second Amendment protecting the right for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and protect themselves and their loved ones,” Oliva said.

“The horrific attacks on Israel followed by the escalating hate speech toward Jewish Americans, coupled with the tragic murders in Maine, are reminders that every American has the right to legally purchase a firearm to provide for their own defense.”
The NSSF noted that the figures do not include private sales in states where carry permits can be used as an alternative to NICS checks. There are currently over 20 states that accept CCW permits as exemptions to NICS.
Last month represented the 51st month in a row that checks have exceeded the 1 million mark.
FN to Open New Facility in S.C.
Gun maker FN announced an expansion of its operations, breaking ground on a new facility that will ultimately bring over 170 jobs to South Carolina’s Pickens County.
The company’s second facility, a $33 million investment, will be 100,000 square feet and will help FN better meet the demands of civilian, law enforcement, and military customers.

According to federal data, FN produced over 160,000 guns in 2021. Aside from an extensive consumer lineup, it also notably partners with law enforcement agencies for the 509 and the military with the SCAR.
“This was a historic day for FN,” Mark Cherpes, President and CEO for FN America, said in a statement about the Liberty, South Carolina facility.

“More than 40 years ago, FN opened operations in Columbia to fulfill a government contract for the U.S. Army. Since that day, FN’s business has grown tremendously, and we have forged unbreakable bonds within the state of South Carolina.”
FN’s first South Carolina facility was built in 1979.
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It still amazes me the number of 2A advocates that continue with the tired and overused argument about what the Founding Fathers intended with firearm ownership. The Constitution was written by a bunch of guys with a pen made from a bird feather and established "rights" for weapons that fired a single round with a 10 sec reload time. Now we have automatic weapons and high capacity mags that can decimate a group of citizens in a matter of seconds. I know many people that lost loved ones due to these weapons from the mass shooting in my hometown a few years ago. It's changed my entire viewpoint and any sensible gun owner shouldn't have any issues with having a license/background check done. Most that argue this point, probably have something to hide or know that they would be disqualified from ownership. If you look at the number of mass shootings in the US this year, not a single one was stopped by a "good guy with a gun". As a responsible gun owner, I have no issues with this legislation, nor do I fear the government taking my guns... but I do think it will save lives.
It's getting closer to election time and the Marxocrats are getting desperate, pushing more draconian control measures on just about everything.
So, if this passes, I will need to get permission from the federal government in order to purchase a gun? And I will have to pass a literacy test, I mean a written test?
It's not the same as requiring a driver's license to drive, for a few reasons:
* The Constitution does not guarantee the right to drive, but it does guarantee the right to keep and bear arms.
* The federal government hasn't shown any inclination to hinder people's ability to drive (unless you believe that forcing us to drive electric cars is a way to hinder our ability to drive). However, they have demonstrated time and again that they will do whatever they can to hinder our ability to keep and bear arms. So I would not trust them one bit with a federal license for gun purchase. If we give in on that issue, they will keep adding to it and adding to it, to the point where we have no right to keep and bear arms.
* The states handle driver's licenses. So why does Sen. Booker think that a federal gun license is the same type of thing?
“If you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to own and use a gun,” Booker explained.
Ignoring the fact that each state sets it's own requirements. Plus which Amendment protects one's right to drive a car?