The Taurus G3X is the evolution of G3 platform but in a hybrid configuration with a compact barrel and a longer grip. The 3.2-inch barrel allows for easier concealment, while the full-size aggressively textured grip allows for controllability. A Picatinny rail allows for the mounting of accessories, and the lack of thumb safety ensures that the gun will always be ready to go whenever you need it.

“The Toro is Taurus red dot ready version of the GX4. Not only does it run a red dot, but it has a mag extender giving a total capacity of 13+1. Its magazine release was a little shallow, but it’s billed as a carry gun, and carry guns typically include smaller controls. With practice we got used to it and the mags cleared freely when dropped. The magazine extension adds round and also makes the gun easier to handle. As far as shooting, it feels way less snappy than we anticipated. Overall, we liked it!” – Sean Curtis

The Echelon is a newer offering from Springfield Armory that features a highly modular system designed around a robust stainless steel chassis and an innovative Variable Interface System (VIS) optics mounting system that allows for direct mounting. Engineered for refined ergonomics and built to withstand duty conditions, the Echelon is aiming to make its mark as Springfield’s next-generation handgun.

“If you are a fan of the Glock G19, then this gun will be totally familiar to you from the get-go. However, if you’re not familiar with the G19, then this gun might come as a pleasant surprise. It doesn’t matter which camp you’re in ― the Lone Wolf LTD-9 is a gun that will put its bullets where it looks and will last a while. I think you owe it to yourself to give this Wolf a try.” – Mike Hardesty

“The Walther PDP is extremely well done. Whether you are a concealed carrier, home defender, or officer on the street, it is an excellent option. Its grip is superlative, the accuracy is very good, and I’ve only experienced a couple of issues I likely caused. In short, the gun is highly reliable in my mind. The controls are well-placed, and the trigger is superb for a striker-fired weapon.” – Sean Curtis