You ever take a gun straight out of the box and think to yourself, “this gun doesn’t need any modifications?”
Yeah, me neither…not even with an all-around classic like Smith & Wesson’s M&P.

Now don’t get me wrong, the M&P is an accurate and reliable handgun series that just happens to be really sweet to shoot.
With that said, there are some aspects of the M&P that can be improved…like the infamous dead trigger.

This defect causes the gun to randomly malfunction after firing a shot, preventing the trigger from resetting. While this can be fixed with some tap, rack, bang action, having a dead trigger can be a serious problem for anyone using the M&P for self-defense.
As you can imagine, this malfunction created a market for M&P fans looking for viable trigger replacements.

And even though Smith & Wesson fixed this problem with their M&P 2.0 line, a number of enthusiasts still prefer aftermarket triggers to their OEM counterparts.
And that’s why we’re going to look at some drop-in triggers that’ll have your M&P firing just the way you want it. So keep reading as we walk you through our recommendations for M&P triggers.
Best for 9mm u0026 .40 Su0026W Shield
Apex Tactical – S&W Shield Action Enhancement Trigger & Duty/Carry Kit
Best Flat Faced for Shield
Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger & Duty/Carry Kit
Best Mu0026P Trigger
Best Flat-Faced for Mu0026P
Best First Gen Mu0026P Trigger
Best Drop-In Triggers for Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols
1. Apex Tactical Action Enhancement Trigger and Duty/Carry Kit
This drop-in trigger system is not compatible with the Shield 2.0 models and is designed for your 9mm and .40 S&W Shield handgun.
It opts for a solid aluminum body that is smoother and easier to operate than your factory trigger, while also reducing overtravel and trigger recent.
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2. Apex Tactical Apex Flat-Faced Action Enhancement Trigger
Exactly the same as the non-anodized trigger, but designed for people who prefer a flat trigger shoe as opposed to a curved one.
It also works with 9mm and .40 S&W versions and is incompatible with 2.0 Shield models.
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3. Apex Tactical Action Enhancement (AEK) M&P Trigger Kit
The AEK trigger system is a drop-in trigger that works with all M&P calibers for the M&P Compact and the M&P Pistol.
But it doesn’t support Shield models.
This trigger package is one of Apex’s more popular triggers.
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It’s designed to cut back on trigger travel while increasing accuracy and control. Because of its ability to increase the shootability of the M&P, this trigger configuration has been favored for competitive shooting and for self-defense.
Additionally, the trigger is made from a solid aluminum billet and given an anodized coat. This makes it durable enough for heavy use and extended wear and tear.
4. Apex Tactical M2.0 Flat-Faced Forward Set Kit
If you’re a 2.0 owner who’s been experiencing FOMO because of all these first-generation triggers, this drop-in trigger kit is just for you.
The M2.0 trigger kit works with second-generation 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP M&P pistols – including the M&P compacts.
And it’s important to note that this trigger kit only works with 2.0 pistols, so if you’re in the market for a new trigger for your first-gen M&P then keep scrolling.
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The M2.0 trigger kit gives you the same advantages as the other Apex drop-in triggers.
You get a durable aluminum body, a system designed to prevent overtravel, and a shortened trigger reset for when you need to make those follow-up shots.
Adding the M2.0 trigger to your second-generation M&P will successfully give you a clean, crisper trigger break while also reducing the pull weight by 2 pounds.
5. Apex Tactical M&P Shield and Shield 2.0
Looking for an upgrade on your Shield?
Apex has got you covered there too.
The M&P Shield and Shield 2.0 triggers come in different colors, flat-faced triggers, and options for both the original and 2.0 flavors.
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What’s your take on Apex triggers for the M&P series?
Ultimate Striker Block
In addition to the trigger kit, Apex’s package also comes with an Ultimate Striker Block (USB).
While these trigger systems are drop-in, which means they don’t require any gunsmithing to install, the USB feature isn’t drop-and-go.
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For that, you’re going to need to take off the rear site and do some very basic gunsmithing. To learn more about how to install the USB, check out this helpful video:
6. Agency Arms M&P Trigger Kit
Agency Arms has earned the reputation of producing some top-quality aftermarket trigger kits. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the M&P drop-in trigger can turn your first-generation M&P into a shooting masterpiece.
It’s not compatible with the M&P 2.0, Shield, Bodyguard, or rimfire variants.
But if you’re using a first-generation M&P model of any centerfire caliber, you’ll be able to swap out your factory trigger for a new-and-improved model.
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The benefits you get from using this kit rather than your factory version include:
- A 50% reduction in trigger travel
- A smoother trigger pull and cleaner break
- Less trigger reset
The trigger kit also comes with the same center-mounted pivoting safety standard as the original M&P, as well as two spring kits — one with a pull weight of 4 pounds and the other with a pull weight of 5 pounds.
If you do plan on installing this trigger system, keep in mind that you’re going to need to adjust the trigger bar loop in order for it to function properly.
It’s a relatively simple process that you can do while you watch this 10-minute video.
Final Thoughts
Drop-in triggers are great because they require minimal effort to install and help make shooting a more comfortable experience.
Apex or Agency…both companies provide triggers worth your time and attention.

What’s your go-to drop-in trigger? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you tweak your guns often, check out our list of essential gunsmithing tools.
7 Leave a Reply
I do like the Apex trigger but this is just a bs sales job. I never had issues with the original trigger I just wanted something better
I put the complete Apex trigger (system) in my m&p pro (gen. 1/9mm/5”, etc). It was their competition (not duty/carry, etc.) kit. EVERYONE who tried said: “If I knew you could make the trigger in an m&p that good, I wouldn’t have bought a - - - - - (every striker fired pistol ever made)”. The people at Apex were great as well. I don’t know if I was more proud of my gun or the fact that I did it myself.
I pulled my Kimber Custom LW 9mm out of the case and shot it for the first time and thought “wow, this gun is perfect” …. But I can see why folks shooting striker fired guns feel like they do.
I have a Sig P320, and it is a nice gun. But the trigger isn’t as good as a milspec 1911. And the trigger overcomes all the other issues.
This leads me to believe that all the “I can’t stand X gun” or “Y gun would be better if blah blah” is based on trigger issues more than anything else.
Hello, has anyone done a comparison of the Shield Performance Center triggers versus Apex? I have the Shield PC 1.0 and the new Shield Plus PC 4". Was wondering if an Apex trigger would be worth it since the factory triggers and actions are already supposed to be enhanced out the gate.
You don't need to replace the trigger on a Shield Plus. The new S&W trigger design is excellent.
You are trigger system? Oh, am I?
So I just wanted to let you know that I was on the phone with apex tactical the other day and spoke to them directly and asked if they had anything for the shield 2.0 in 45 acp and they do not carry or have anything for triggers or a complete trigger kit