Welcome to a weekly series here on Pew Pew Tactical dedicated to the gun news you need to know.

So, keep reading for this week’s notable news headlines…
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Pistol Brace Amnesty Ends Leaving Gun Owners Confused
The amnesty period for stabilizing pistol brace owners concluded on May 31, leaving many brace owners concerned about the future.

The ATF announced its Final Rule days before the industry convened in Las Vegas in January for SHOT Show. In its ruling, the Bureau essentially bars pistol braces on firearms unless the gun is registered with the ATF as an NFA item.
Though the ATF gave a brief grace period for gun owners to register without paying the $200 tax stamp, many consumers were left confused as to what to do with their now potentially felonious items.

A to the Bureau, options included registering the pistol brace and pistol as an NFA item, destroying the gun completely, surrendering it to a local ATF office, reconfiguring it with a barrel length of at least 16 inches, or removing the brace – though there has been some flip-flop from the ATF on whether that is legal or could fall under constructive possession.
Many gun owners hoped for a last-minute injunction that would let the judicial system evaluate the ruling and its legality, but that nationwide injunction never came.

That said, the Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, and Gun Owners of America did each secure injunctions for some of their respective members – but even that exists in a vagueness that legal scholars are struggling to agree on.
“There are still lawyers all over the country scratching their heads,” Emily Taylor of Armed Attorneys said in a YouTube video.
In the meantime, gun groups say they will continue to fight to overturn the rule and allow gun owners to keep their pistol-braced guns out of the realm of the NFA.

“SAF will continue to aggressively litigate this issue to prevent the erosion of constitutional rights and prevent administrative agencies from overstepping their authority,” SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut said in a news release.
For more on the history of this battle and up-to-date coverage of what’s going on legally, head over to our article on the ATF vs. Pistol Braces.
Biofire Says It Won’t Submit Smart Gun to NJ Commission
A new smart gun company says it won’t submit its design to a New Jersey state commission that could use it to tighten gun laws.
Biofire Technologies, who launched the Biofire Smart Gun early this year, says it won’t send the gun to the New Jersey Personalized Handgun Authorization Commission.

The commission, established in 2019, sets performance standards for “personalized handguns” in the state and also keeps a roster of smart guns allowed to be sold within its borders.
Essentially, this commission would be responsible for reviewing a smart gun application and adding it to the state’s roster.
This would have a significant impact on FFLs and gun stores in the state, which, under New Jersey law, are required to stock at least one smart gun in-store as soon as a commercially viable option becomes available.

But Biofire’s CEO said the company has no interest in helping restrict gun rights and won’t be submitting its design for review.
“There is not a world where Biofire will be applying for inclusion,” Kai Kloepfer told The Trace.
“We do not support mandates of any kind. We’re looking to build positive long-term relationships with gun stores and forcing these additional administrative burdens doesn’t incentivize them to support our technology; it does the opposite.”

Though NJ law says gun makers or “other entities” can apply to be included on the state’s smart gun roster, it doesn’t address whether the commission has the ability to add a model on its own accord.
The 9mm chambered Biofire Smart Gun uses both fingerprint technology as well as 3D infrared facial recognition software to confirm the owner’s identity and allow the gun to be fired. It aims to prevent unauthorized users from accessing a firearm.

“The Biofire Smart Gun was designed specifically for real gun owners who want a quality home defense firearm that cannot be used by children or criminals,” said Mike Corbett, Biofire advisor and former member of SEAL Team 6, in a press release.
You can read more about Biofire and other smart gun technology, both past and present, at Smart Guns in 2023: Technology, Products & Legislation. Â
Montana Governor Signs 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act
Montana’s Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a bill this week that would protect the financial purchases of gun owners within the state.
SB 359, otherwise known as the 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act, would outlaw a special Merchant Category Code for credit card purchases and thus prohibit financial institutions from sharing personal financial data.

This comes after the International Organization for Standardization said it would create an MCC allowing credit card entities to tack transactions at gun stores.
Though credit card companies halted plans to use the MCC, the National Shooting Sports Foundation said laws like this that future-proof and protect gun owners are imperative.
“Americans exercising their right to legally purchase firearms and ammunition should never be threatened by private financial service providers or government authorities to having their name and financial data being added to a government-accessible watchlist simply for exercising their Second Amendment rights,” Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel, said in a statement.

“Gun owners should worry about what’s in their wallet, not who’s in their wallet.”
North Dakota, Florida, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Idaho also have similar laws protecting gun purchasing information when using a credit card. Â
What do you think of the headlines above? Let us know in the comments. Also, catch up on other Weekly Wraps or news in our News Category.
2 Leave a Reply
Soo, if you have sweaty palms and the facial recognition is as arbitrary as my
Iphone..... It's just a novelty and nothing to risk your life with.
The Pistol Bracs Ban Injunction is a temporary win, but until the rule change is deemed wrong in a final decision, it's temporary and even then only for members of the groups you mentioned. The fact that it applies only to members fires my rockets because Equal Protection Under the Law is still being denied to the majority of the 44 million Brace owners. Yes, I know the difference between Civil v Criminal Law, but the fact that there is a difference only serves to illustrate how screwed up our Judicial System has become. The Constitution is not arbitrary IMO.
While I applaud Biofire's statement, whether they remain committed to that or not remains to be seen.
Thank you Montana. Wish I could afford to move to any State that's proactively protectingbthe 2nd Amendment, since Commierado is on its way to becoming just a mirror of Commiefornia.