Despite filing for bankruptcy early this year, Remington is still going strong as a company – but they are not free from their past.
Remington was the target of a class action lawsuit alleging that the trigger used in many of their bolt-action rifles dating back to more than 40 years are fundamentally defective. The lawsuit has been officially settled with some 7.5 million Remington rifles possibly effected.

While Remington denies any wrongdoing, liability, or that their triggers are in fact defective – they have settled the class action lawsuit and are offering customers their choice of a new trigger, a voucher redeemable at Remington’s online store, or a refund if you have already replaced the trigger with an X-Mark Pro.
They have also set up a website to help people with their claims:
RemingtonFirearmsClassActionSettlement.Com. Customers have 18 months to file their claim.
Who is Included in the Settlement?
To quote their site:
“All current owners of Remington Model 700, Seven, Sportsman 78, 673, 710, 715, 770, 600, 660, XP-100, 721, 722, and 725 firearms containing a Remington trigger mechanism that utilizes a trigger connector; and
All current owners of Remington Model 700 and Model Seven rifles containing an X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism manufactured from May 1, 2006 to April 9, 2014, who did not participate in the voluntary X-Mark Pro product recall prior to April 14, 2015; and
All current and former owners of Remington Model 700 and Model Seven rifles who replaced their rifle’s original Walker trigger mechanism at their own cost with an X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism.”
What Does the Settlement Provide?
Once again, according to the Remington site:
“Settlement Class Members may be entitled to:
(1) have their trigger mechanism retrofitted with a new X-Mark Pro or other connectorless trigger mechanism at no cost to the class members;
(2) receive a voucher code for Remington products redeemable at Remington’s online store; and/or
(3) be refunded the money they spent to replace their Model 700 or Seven’s original Walker trigger mechanism with an X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism.”
How Do I Collect on the Settlement?
RemingtonFirearmsClassActionSettlement.Com and file your claim, Remington also states that if you own one of the rifles named – you should
stop using it immediately.
What Happened?
While the story is long and a bit complex, the bottom line is that there are people who claim that the Remington trigger design that uses a trigger connector is fundamentally flawed and under limited circumstances can discharge the rifle
without the trigger being pulled.
While these accusations have floated around for decades, it all came to a head only recently.
If you’re interested in more information,
CNBC has been investigating the story for almost
a decade.
Despite settling this class action lawsuit and multiple wrongful death claims, Remington categorically denies any wrongdoing or that their trigger is defective.
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My dad bought me a Remington Model 600 "Mohawk" .308 when I was a teenager as my first deer rifle many many decades ago. I was only made aware of the, for lack of better words, the "spontaneous discharge accidents and deaths " on a TV segment (20-20?) around ~2004. After seeing that that TV segment, I jumped into action and did some research to see if my rifle was affected. I went to the Remington website and discovered at the time that my "Remington 600" was the only model that had an "actual recall" for the defective trigger issue.
The next day I called Remington customer service and the person I spoke with at first denied there were any recalls for the trigger issue on my gun. When I carefully read her Remington's web page segment clearly stating that it did, she suddenly agreed they had actually recalled the Remington Model 600. She said they would cover a new trigger assembly installation by my gunsmith. I took it to my local gun shop and it took a month or so for them to obtain the part from Remington but they finally received it and it was installed. The new trigger that was installed has a visible "V" mark on it indicating it was the new model trigger.
To think...all those years I was carrying a rifle with such defect raised the hairs on the back of my neck! Luckily my 600 never misfired or caused any injury or death. I guess in my case, all's well that ends well! I still have that Mohawk 600 rifle in my collection!
Thank you for this article. Haven't touched my 700 in years because of this issue. Just put in my claim and it was super easy. Can't wait to get it back and running.
Glad we helped!